Lesson: The Natures of Science

How do we know what we know?

This lesson explains the terminology and outlines the processes of scientific thinking and investigation. Students will gain appreciation for the methods used by scientists and the qualities that define "good science" for building a better understanding of the workings of nature.

  1. Differentiate between observation and inference and demonstrate both skills.

  2. How are the qualities of curiosity, creativity and analytical thinking useful to scientists?

  3. What does it mean “to collaborate” and where do scientists publish their results?

  4. Identify and explain the processes of each of the five basic steps of the Scientific Method (in the order in which they are usually done.)

  5. Compare and contrast quantitative and qualitative data and be able to classify, organize and interpret data from charts, graphs, diagrams, etc.

  6. Compare and contrast between the independent variable and the dependent variable and place each in their proper place when graphing data.

  7. Given a description of an experiment or sample data (chart/graph) identify the IV and DV and identify both range and mean of data. Be able to evaluate the validity of the hypothesis and identify potential sources of error.

  8. Why do scientists use constants and controls in their experiments? Why are they important in experimental design?

  9. Experiments must be repeatable. What does this mean? Why is this important?

  10. Utilize the terms “hypothesis”, “theory” and “law” in relation to scientific investigation.

  11. Why are scientists willing to revise and even dismiss earlier findings?

  12. What are the relative strengths and limitations between Field Study and Laboratory Study?




scientific journal

- problem, hypothesis, experiment, analysis, conclusion

quantitative data

qualitative data

range & mean

independent variable

dependent variable





field study

lab study

Warm Ups

It's a Jelly - Interest grabber in which students make observations of three organisms and create a Venn or other way to organize their information. #criticalthinking #communication

Accurate Descriptions - Two student volunteers leave the room. The others are asked to write descriptions of what they see. Given only the written word, the volunteers must recreate the drawings based on classmate observations. #criticalthinking #community #collaboration #communication #creativity#content

Image Observation/Inference: Fish (includes Cartoon) - Reinforce the concepts of observation and inference with an image of an organism and a cartoon.#content #criticalthinking #communication #creativity

Formulate a Hypothesis - An old warm up where students should develop a hypothesis based on photographs of sea urchin development. It's a bit of a stretch... #content #criticalthinking

Behavioral Experiments - Students use textbook examples of "Classical" and "Operant" conditioning to review the parts of a proper experiment. #content #criticalthinking

What Smells? - A preview warm-up/interest grabber to introduce the concepts of "smell." Students review the neuro-biological mechanisms as well as their own opinions about smell and aromas. #content #criticalthinking

Data and Variables Stink - Review the data, variables and other aspects from the results of the Smell lab.#content #criticalthinking #collaboration #communication

Aroma Data Analysis - This warm-up should be modified depending on the type of data and purpose of the Aroma Experiment. It provides an opportunity for analyzing the results, identifying sources of error and formulating conclusions. #criticalthinking #community #collaboration #communication #creativity#content

Errors and Range - students examine and interpret data, especially in relation to how it is presented. #content #criticalthinking #collaboration #communication

Content & Presentations



Diagram - Scientific Methods, Theory and Law (includes Diagram - Hypothesis/Theory/Law and examples)

- This can also be used in conjunction with the notes.

- Vocabulary Cards option- students prepare study cards of terms and Venn

- Foldable/interactive notebook option- create and glue cards, add flowchart arrows.

Independent Assignments & Activities

Activity - Observations - Students move to stations around the classroom. As they examine a variety of biological materials from the teacher and school's collection they are to record data, make inferences and compose questions based on their time at the station. Students must visit a prescribed number of stations (6) for a time (30-60 sec?) and record their data on a piece of their own paper. They will follow up by completing a Lab Report.

Assignment - Abiotic and Biotic Factors - review the critical separation between the living and non-living with a focus on the interactions of both within biology #content #criticalthinking

Assignment: Horse Evolution - this assignment is the perfect introduction to SOL Biology. It requires diagram interpretation and critical thinking skills. It also introduces the students to some of the major themes and other aspects of biology that will occur throughout the semester. #content #criticalthinking

Biological Theories Review - Students use their prior knowledge, class materials and textbook to review major concepts of the unit and are introduced to several specific examples of "Theories" in biology that will be examined in greater detail throughout the semester. #content #criticalthinking

Using Scientific Methods - students read summaries of three experiments and identify features of science: What was the initial observations and questions that helped them develop a hypothesis and design an experiment? What are the independent and dependent variables? Why was this a "controlled experiment?" What were the constants? What conclusions can be drawn?Assignment - Experimental Design: two short questions w/data about variables (existing Word Doc) YouTube: "Put it to the Test"

#content #criticalthinking

Simpsons Scientific Method - This is a classic worksheet that presents scenarios featuring Simpsons characters performing experiments. Students identify variables, evaluate results and apply facets of the scientific method to the examples. #content #criticalthinking

Observations and Inference - Start with an image from science, then apply skills of interpretation to a series of images (assign only two images to each half of class) #content #criticalthinking

Web Assignment - Free Guppies - Students perform research about guppies and the role of history, proper citations, and curiosity in scientific activity. (NEEDS TO BE CHECKED FOR CONTINUITY!!!) #content #criticalthinking #collaboration #communication

Lab & Group Activities

Lab - Aroma - Designing an Experiment

- Data Table

Materials needed:

Aromatic samples (foods, bitters, condiments, solvents,...)

Sample jars with lids

- Students are given limited instruction on the materials and they work in groups to discuss and develop a lab proposal. All groups' activities are discussed and the methods of data collection are agreed upon. Students work to create a valid data set and eliminate bias. Data is then collated and analyzed.

- fill jars with aromatic substances and place lid on each (include 1 with water for a control)

- divide students into groups to design an experiment (identify hypothesis, IV, DV- what type of data)

- discuss with groups the advantages and disadvantages of their designs

- gather into large group and discuss relative merits of each design

- collate into an experiment

- perform experiment, collect data

- debrief and analysis

Lab - Lincoln Needs a Bath

Activity Sub-page- Students predict how many drops of water will remain intact on the top of a single penny.

Group Activity - Zen Garden

Activity Subpage - This is an on-going activity with many facets that reinforce the concepts of SOL 1, while also addressing many other SOL objectives.

Part 1 - Garden Planning

Part 2 - Chlorophyll extraction demo: go through the steps of this lab while reviewing the unit. It can also be used as a preview for the topics of SOL Bio 2. (protocol/data sheet) (Video - Chlorophyll Extraction )(video lab sheet)

Part 3 - Salt Tree -demonstrate chemical and biological principles

Part 4 - Seed Starting

Part 5 - Flower Observations