Lesson: Digestion and Absorption

How are digestion and absorption related in regards to the location within the digestive system and the content of the materials being processed?

This lesson summarizes the key functions of the system by looking at how specific nutrients are digested and absorbed at specific locations through the body.

Warm Ups, etc:

Obesity in America - students examine a map that shows the prevalence of obesity in the U.S.

Instruction, Presentations, Assignments, Activities, etc:

Notes - Digestion and Absorption - a summary of the locations and factors that influence mechanical and chemical digestion, as well as nutrient/mineral/vitamin absorption

Group/Paired summary activity - Digestive Roll - use a long scroll of paper divided into 30 sections. Create a "scale model" of the digestive system, noting any key features or other information about each section from one end of the digestive system to the other.

Closure - digestion animation- animation of digestion