Lesson: Basic Chemistry

Basic Chemistry (SOL 2a, Ch 2.1)

What are the building blocks of nature?

This lesson describes the physical properties of atoms of different elements and explains how these properties determine how each atom behaves and interacts with others in the formation and breaking of bonds during chemical reactions. These atoms can also combine in unique and predictable ways to build the structures that make up cells and perform the tasks required to maintain life.

• explain the importance of the chemical and physical properties of water that make it vital to life.

• recognize that the main components of a living cell are carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur. Carbon atoms can easily bond to several other carbon atoms in chains and rings to form large complex molecules.

#content #criticalthinking #community #collaboration #communication #creativity

Warm Ups

Chemistry of Cola - (includes a part 2) - used as a preview and review of the Mentos/soda activity. #community #collaboration #communication #creativity

Chemical You - students identify chemicals/compounds critical for life #content

Picture an Atom - students review atomic structure. #content #criticalthinking

Basic Chem Review - hits all the high points of the lesson #content #criticalthinking

Content & Presentations


  • Basic Chemistry - lecture notes for atomic structure and fundamental properties of ions, isotopes and bonding #content

Independent Assignments & Activities

Assignment- 2.1,2.2 : Define Key Vocabulary for both sections, answer (#1-6) for both section reviews

Labs & Group Activities

Lab Activity - Mentos and Diet Soda (Lab Sheet)


2-liter bottles of diet soda (no sugar=no bugs)

Sleeves of Mentos Candy

Bottle top tube with pull-pin

- start with the Chemistry of Cola Warm-Up

- break students into groups and describe the materials limitations

- have students discuss different experiment possibilities


IDENTIFY DEPENDENT VARIABLE- how/what will you measure? Is it quantitative or qualitative?



HOW can we eliminate bias?

WHAT are the potential sources of error?

Present/discuss options, revise experiment, perform experiment, record/analyze data

#content #criticalthinking #community #collaboration #communication #creativity