Lesson: Homeostasis

How does the body establish and maintain internal balance?

This lesson defines homeostasis and examines, with specific examples, how diseases and aging disrupt homeostasis. Students will identify examples of the body's response to disease as either positive or negative feedback.

    1. What is the purpose of homeostasis?

    2. Explain the process of negative feedback and identify specific examples.

    3. Explain the process of positive feedback and identify specific examples.

    4. How does aging affect body functions?

Warm Ups, etc.:

Examples of Homeostatic Control - students review the mechanisms that regulate the body's internal environment.

Instruction, Presentations, Assignments, Activities, etc:

Notes - Homeostasis

Group Activity- Homeostasis- as suggested in Study Tips on page 19, groups try to come up with other examples of positive and negative feedback loops.

Closure- Review Scientific Method diagram from Chapter 1

Exit Slip- students successfully define homeostasis and explain the biological importance, citing specific example.