Lesson: GI Tract and Accessory Organs

What happens after the food is swallowed?

Materials taken in to the mouth pass into the esophagus, at which point your conscious control of digestion is lost until you relax enough to pass the wastes. This lesson follows the path of the materials and describes where and how it is broken down and absorbed, including the roles of accessory organs and the impact of disease on the numerous organs of the digestive system.

Warm Ups, etc:

Mouth 2 Stomach - students review features and disorders of the mouth, esophagus and stomach.

Bubble Guts - students review the disorders of the digestive system

Accessorizing the Intestines - this warm-up summarizes the features, location and functions of the accessory organs of the lower GI system.

One End to the Other - a "mash-up" of several of the other warm-ups. It is used as an alternate based on lesson pacing/class time.