Lesson: Cell Membrane

What is the structure of the membrane that surrounds all cells?

Life is cellular, and all cells have membranes. This lesson reviews three of the main organic molecules, especially in relation to how their structure and chemical properties help create a barrier, a support structure, and a site of transport.

*This section is actually part of SOL 3 but if taught here it both reviews organic molecules while connecting to the concepts of cell structure and function.

How are organic molecules arranged to create the membrane found surrounding cells as well as in the membranes of complex organelles that are involved in energy capture and transformation?

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Cellular Respiration


Content & Presentations


  • Diagram - Cell Membrane - Review lipid properties (mon-polar/polar) and the structure of a phospholipid. Then illustrate this. It is better to have the students copy a diagram drawn on the board...

  • Diagram - Chloroplasts and Mitochondria - draw and label these, introducing the vocabulary related to the anatomy of these organelles.

    • membrane structure is going to be similar to cell membrane, but with different proteins and pigments

    • Chloroplast - Thylakoid- disc shape structures with lots of surface area, Grana (Granum) - stacks of thylakoids, Lumen - the "thylakoid space", Stroma- surrounds Grana

    • Mitochondria - Outer membrane- regular surface , Inner Membrane highly folded to maximize surface area, Cristae - the folds, Matrix - the liquid in the mitochondria


TED Ed video on cell membranes

Independent Assignments & Activities

Lab & Group Activities

Group Activity- Modelling the Fluid Mosaic Model

Have students form two lines, facing one another. Have them raise their arms and discuss the polar/non-polar nature of phospholipids and its formation of a bilayer. Have the rows move back and forth and have individuals switch sides, bringing in the 'fluidity' and 'mosaic' qualities. Weave meter sticks through their arms as models of structural cholesterol molecules, stick notes/paper chains to their backs to model carbohydrate signal molecules (plus, paper is a carbohydrate!), and use empty cardboard tubes to span from one side to other as proteins. #content #criticalthinking #community #collaboration #communication #creativity