Ch. 31 & 32

#8 Performance Standards & Specifications:

Analyze and evaluate the causes, events and impacts of World War II from various perspectives, to include:

a. failures and successes of the treaty of Versailles and the league of nations; rise of totalitarianism (e.g., Nazi Germany’s policies of European domination, holocaust);

The Century: America's Time - 1936-1941: Over The Edge

The Century: America's Time - 1941-1945: Civilians At War

The Century: America's Time - 1941-1945: Homefront

World War II: Crash Course World History #38

1. What are the different events that could be considered the beginning of World War II?

2. What was the Rape of Nanking and why does it still matter today?

3. What was the blitzkrieg? How effective was the blitzkrieg?

4. Why was 1941 a significant year for the war?

5. How many lives were lost in the Battle of Stalingrad?

6. What happened to the Nazi 6th Army during the Battle of Stalingrad?

7. On what date was victory in Europe declared by the Allies?

8. What was the definite cause of World War II?

9. How might German agriculture been a reason for war?

10. How many Jews did the Nazis kill during the Holocaust?

11. Why is it unfair to categorize World War II as the Allies fighting for democratic ideals against

the totalitarian militaristic imperialism of the fascist Axis powers?

World War I - Treaty of Versailles

League of Nations - Successes and Failures - GCSE History

How did Hitler rise to power? - Alex Gendler and Anthony Hazard

The Rise of the Nazis | History

Rise of Totalitarianism

The Path to Nazi Genocide

Band of Brothers- Liberation of Concentration Camp

b. political, diplomatic and military leadership (e.g., Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt, Emperor Hirohito, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Francisco Franco);

Winston Churchill

Joseph Stalin

Franklin Roosevelt

Emperor Hirohito

Adolf Hitler

Benito Mussolini,

Francisco Franco

c. principal theaters of battle, major turning points and geographic factors in military decisions and outcomes (e.g., Pearl Harbor, “island-hopping,” D-Day invasion, Stalingrad, atomic bombs dropped on Japan, Russia, USSR);

Pearl Harbor Veterans on the Price of Freedom | History

Top 10 Things You Didn’t Know About the Attack on Pearl Harbor

The best part of the movie "Pearl Harbor"

WW2 Island Hopping

The Battle of Midway: Anatomy of a Decisive World War II Victory | History

America the Story of Us: D-Day Invasion | History

Band of Brothers (2001) - D-Day Drop Zone Scene

Saving Private Ryan D-Day Scene

Why The U.S. Dropped A Nuclear Bomb On Japan

WWII Factions: The Red Army