#7 WWI

Ch 29 & 30-1

#7 Performance Standards & Specifications:

Analyze and evaluate the causes, events and effects of World War I, to include:

a. rise of nationalism (e.g., unification of Germany, Otto Von Bismarck’s leadership);

Nationalism and WWI | History

The Rise of Nationalism in 2017 | NowThis World

German Unification | 3 Minute History

Otto von Bismarck - I: The Wildman Bismarck - Extra History

b. rise of ethnic and ideological conflicts (e.g., the Balkans, Austria-Hungary, decline of the Ottoman empire);

Archdukes, Cynicism, and World War I: Crash Course World History #36

1. Other than the obvious, why is World War I considered a tragedy?

2. So what was the immediate cause of the war?

3. How long were the trenches used on the Western Front of the war?

How much land did the trenches cover?

4. How many people were killed and wounded in the war?

5. What was the most efficient killer in World War I?

6. What two American technologies made their debut in the war?

7. How destructive was WW I and what were the causes of this destruction?

8. What were the conditions like for the soldiers in World War I?

9. What ended the war and what were the results?

Conceptual Thinking

1. About halfway through the video, John mentions the idea that people make history and are also made by history. What do they think he means by this?

The Balkans Crisis - How The Balkans Helped Start WW1 - GCSE History

The Fall Of The Ottoman Empire

c. major turning points and the importance of geographic, military and political factors in decisions and outcomes; involvement of United States, unrestricted submarine warfare

The US in World War I | History

America in World War I: Crash Course US History #30

1. Why were progressives opposed to U.S. involvement in The Great War?

2. Why does John claim the sinking of the Lusitania in May 1915 was not

the cause of America entering the war?

3. Why did America decide to declare war on Germany?

4. What was America’s main contribution to the Entente powers?

5. John states that not all progressives were anti-war and that for them, the war offered America what?

6. How did The Great War suppress civil liberties?

7. How did the war affect American patriotism and relations with immigrants?

8. What was The Great Migration?

9. Did America achieve the goal of spreading progressive ideas throughout the rest of the world by entering The Great War?

Conceptual Thinking

1. Randolph Bourne stated, “War is the health of state.” Do you believe this to be true? Why or why not?

The Century: America's Time - 1914-1919: Shell Shock

WWI The First Modern War: The Germans Engage In Unrestricted Submarine Warfare | History

World War I: Global Connections | History

Tech Developments of World War I | History

Life in a Trench | World War I | History

Bet You Didn't Know: Trench Warfare | History

World War I: One Word | History

Bet You Didn't Know: World War I | History

The One Thing You Should Know About WWI | History

Legacy of World War I | History

d. human costs of the mechanization of war (e.g., machine-gun, airplane, poison gas, submarine, trench warfare, tanks);

Numerous scenes showing evolution of mechanized warfare emphasizing World War I. ...HD Stock Footage

WWI - Weapons and Technology

f. effects of the Russian revolution and the implementation of communist rule; (i.e., Bolshevik revolution and Lenin)

The Russian Revolution (1917)

Vladimir Lenin Biography

Bet You Didn't Know: World War I | History