Ch 33-1

Cold War: Superpowers Face Off

33.1-Cold War Superpowers Face Off.pdf

Group Discussions


I-C.9 Analyze and evaluate international developments following World War II, the cold war and post-cold war.

I-C.10 Evaluate the ideologies and outcomes of independence movements in the emerging third world.


Analyze the global competition between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Analyze the US-Soviet post-war split.

Explain how Soviet domination of Eastern Europe developed.

Describe US containment of Communist expansion.

Define the Cold War.

WICOR: Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization and Reading

EQ: What, in your opinion, were the positive results of the Marshall Plan?

Allies become enemies

Yalta Conference: A post war plan

Creation of the United Nations

Differing US and Soviet goals

Churchill, Stalin, and Roosevelt met in Yalta

The United Nations

How does the UN work?

Eastern Europe's Iron Curtain

Soviets build a buffer

An iron curtain divides east and west

The Iron Curtain has Descended And Germany Gets Divided

United States tries to contain Soviets

The Truman Doctrine

The Marshall Plan

The World Wars: Harry S. Truman | History

How the Truman Doctrine established the Cold War

The Truman Doctrine

What was the Marshall Plan?

The Berlin Airlift

Berlin Airlift

The cold war divides the world

Super powers from rival alliances

The threat of nuclear war

The cold war in the skies


The cold war

Thirteen Days - They'll Fire Their Missiles, Then Well Fire Ours...


United Nations

World organization formed to prevent war

Iron Curtain

Division between Eastern and Western Europe during the Cold War


Policy aimed at preventing the spread of communism

Truman Doctrine

Policy of giving aid to countries threatened by communism

Marshall Plan

Plan to give aid to European countries to help them recover from the war

Cold War

State of tension and mistrust between the United States and the Soviet Union after World War II


Military alliance including the United States, Canada, and several countries of Eastern Europe

Warsaw Pact

Military alliance between the Soviet Union and the countries of Eastern Europe


Willingness on the part of the superpower to go to the brink, or edge, of war