Ch 30-1

Revolutions in Russia

30.1-Revolutions in Russa.pdf

Group Discussions


I-C.7 Analyze and evaluate the causes, events and effects of World War I.


Describe the autocratic methods of Alexander III and the economic changes under Nicholas II

Explain the crisis that paved the way for the March Revolution and the end of the czarist rule

Summarize the Bolshevik Revolution and its outcome

Explain Lenin's reforms and the rise of Stalin

WICOR: Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization and Reading


Czars resist change

Czars continue autocratic rule

Russia industrializes

The Revolutionary movement grows

Crises at home and abroad.

The Russo-Japanese war

Bloody Sunday: The Revolution of 1905

World War I: The Final Blow

Feature History - Russo-Japanese War

22nd January 1905: Bloody Sunday massacre in Saint Petersburg

History Bloody Sunday

Russia Before the 1917 Revolution I THE GREAT WAR Special

The March Revolution

The Czar steps down

Lenin returns to Russia

The Return of Vladimir Lenin

The Bolshevik Revolution

The provisional government topples

Bolsheviks in power

Civil War rages in Russia

Comparing World revolutions

The Russian Revolution 1917

Lenin restores order

New Economic Policy

Political reforms

Stalin becomes dictator