Ch 23-2

Revolution Brings Reform and Terror

23.2-Revolution Brings Reform and Terror.pdf

Group Discussions

Why do you think the Reign of Terror occurred and went on as long as it did?


I-C.3 Explain and analyze revolutions (e.g., democratic, scientific, technological, social) as they evolved throughout the enlightenment and their enduring effects on political, economic and cultural institutions.


Explain how the National Assembly change France's government.

Summarize the position of all three factions that tried to govern France.

Explain how war in the king's execution affected the revolution.

Describe the events in the aftermath of the reign of terror.

WICOR: Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization and Reading

EQ: What event or events signified the end of absolute monarchy and the beginning of representative government? Explain your answer.

The assembly reforms France

The Rights of Man

A state-controlled church

Louise tries to escape

Division Develop

A limited monarchy

Factions split France

A Day In History: Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

War and execution

France at War

Jacobins take control

The war continues

The execution of Louis XVI

French Revoluion Guillotine

The guillotine was an efficient killing machine. In this contemporary print the executioner displays the just-severed head of King Louis XVI to the crowd assembled to witness his execution.

The terror grips France

Robespierre assumes control

Maximillien Robespierre

End of Terror


legislative assembly

assembly that replaces the French national assembly in 1791


nobles and others who left france during the peasant uprisings and who hoped to come back to restore the old system


radical group of Parisian wage-earners


member of the Jacobin club, a radical political


machine for beheading people

Maximilian Robespierre

revolutionary leader who tried to wipe out every trace of france's past monarchy and nobility

reign of terror

period of Robespierre's rule

Critical Thinking

1a What do the speeches by nobility imply about the role of violence in French Revolution?

1b Would a U.S. legislature treat religion as a National Assembly did?

2a What can you infer about the powers of Louie from his signing of the 1791 Constitution?

2b What evidence supports the view that the 1791 Constitution was moderate rather than radical?

3a What caused Prussia to invade France?

3b Why do you think the revolutionaries did not give women the right to vote?

3c In what way was the National Convention that took office in September 1792 more radical than the National Assembly in September of 1791?

4a How would you summarize the quotation from Robespierre?

4b What does the large number of execution among the urban poor and middle class suggest about support for the revolution?

5a Compare reasons that members of the National Convention and the general public opposed Terror.

5b How was the directory similar to the king before the Revolution?

BBC Documentary 2015 ||The French Revolution || History Channel