D#2 Obligations of Citizens

Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens

Benchmark 3-D:

Understand how to exercise rights and responsibilities as citizens by participating in civic life and using skills that include interacting, monitoring and influencing.

D#2 Performance Standards & Specifications:

Analyze the rights and obligations of citizens in the United States, to include: connections between self-interest, the common good and the essential element of civic virtue, as described in the Federalist Papers, Numbers 5 and 49; obeying the law, serving on juries, paying taxes, voting, registering for selective service and military service.

civic virtue

serving on juries

paying taxes

registering for selective service

Promote General Welfare


●Obligations of the citizens of the United States (i.e., registering for selective service, paying taxes)

●Ideas of serving the public good and protecting self-interests (i.e., jury duty, voting, military service, obeying the law)