25 Extension Activity

Child Labor

Today, child labor still exists in many developing nations, with many of the same grueling conditions. Work with a team to find out what the various child labor situations are in different places.

Using the Internet or your library, research organizations that are fighting child labor.

        • Write a letter, or in some other manner voice your concern and support to these organizations.

Child Labor Coalition http://www.stopchildlabor.org /

Organization devoted to stopping child labor abuses.

HRW: Children's Rights and Child Labor http://www.hrw.org / en / news / 2004 / 06 / 09 / children-working-domestics-face-abuse

Extensive information from Human Rights Watch about child labor, with links to specific information on abuses in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

UNICEF Calls for an End to Child Labor http://volunteers.unicefusa.org / assets / pdf / campus-vcbs / child-protection-1.pdf

Articles and information focused on the current issue of international child labor.

Sound Smart: Child Labor in the Industrial Revolution | History