Ch 29-2

Europe Plunges into War

29.2-Europe Plunges into War.pdf

Group Discussions

Why did the stalemate develop on the Western Front during World War I?


I-C.7 Analyze and evaluate the causes, events and effects of World War I.


Describe the reactions to Austria's declaration of war.

Summarize military events on the Western Front.

Explain the development of the war on the Eastern Front.

WICOR: Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization and Reading

EQ: Why did a stalemate develop on the Western Front during World War I?

The Great War begins

Nations take sides

The Great War begins

Tech developments of World War

World War I: Global Connections

A bloody stalemate

The conflict grinds along

War in the trenches

Life in a Trench

The battle on the Eastern Front

Early fighting

Russia struggles

Heavy Combat Footage

The Russian Revolutions


Schlieffen Plan

Germany's plan for winning the war on two fronts


Great Britain, France, Russia, and other nations who fought on their side

Central Powers

Germany, Austria-Hungary and other nations who fought on their side

Trench warfare

Fighting from trenches dug in the battlefield

Western front

Region of northern France where much fighting took place

Eastern front

Region along German-Russian border where much fighting took place