B#4 Jackson

Benchmark 1-B United States:

Analyze and interpret major eras, events and individuals from the periods of exploration and colonization through the Civil War and Reconstruction in United States history.

# 4 Standard with Test Specifications:

Describe the successes and failures of the reforms during the age of Jackson, to include:

b. Indian removal, the Trail of Tears, the Long Walk.


● Analyze the causes leading to the Indian Removal Act

Sample Question:

Which policy was enacted because the executive branch ignored a Supreme Court ruling in violation of Native American sovereignty?

A. the Indian New Deal

B. the Indian Education Act

C. the Indian Removal Act*

D. the Indian Reorganization Act

Age of Jackson: Crash Course US History #14

History vs. Andrew Jackson - James Fester

Andrew Jackson and the Indian Removal Act

The Price of Expansion | The Men Who Built America: Frontiersmen | History

Story of US Trail of Tears

How the Brutal Trail of Tears Got Its Name