WH Ch 21



Analyze and interpret the major eras and important turning points in world history from the age of enlightenment to the present, to develop an understanding of the complexity of the human experience:

I-C.3 Explain and analyze revolutions (e.g., democratic, scientific, technological, social) as they evolved throughout the enlightenment and their enduring effects on political, economic and cultural institutions.

NM 9-12.IC Analyze and interpret the major eras and important turning points in world history from the Age of Enlightenment to the present to develop an understanding of the complexity of the human experience.

NCSS Ia analyze and explain the ways groups, societies, and cultures address human needs and concerns;

NCSS IIc identify and describe significant historical periods and patterns of change within and across cultures, such as the development of ancient cultures and civilizations, the rise of nations-states, and social, economic, and political revolutions;

NCSS IIId calculate distance, scale, area, and density, and distinguish spatial distribution patterns; describe, differentiate, and explain the relationships among various regional and global patterns of geographic phenomena such as landforms, soils, climate, vegetation, natural resources, and population;

NCSS Vc describe the various forms institutions take, and explain how they develop and change over time;

NCSS VIb explain the purpose of government and analyze how its powers are acquired, used, and justified;

NCSS VIc analyze and explain ideas and mechanisms to meet needs and wants of citizens, regulate territory, manage conflict, establish order and security, and balance competing conceptions of a just society;

NCSS VId compare and analyze the ways nations and organizations respond to conflicts between forces of unity and forces of diversity;

NCSS VIf analyze and evaluate conditions, actions, and motivations that contribute to conflict and cooperation within and among nations;

NCSS VIIa explain how the scarcity of productive resources (human, capital, technological, and natural) requires the development of economic systems to make decisions about how goods and services are to be produced and distributed;

NCSS IXb explain conditions and motivations that contribute to conflict, cooperation, and interdependence among groups, societies, and nations;

Previewing main ideas

Power and authority

As feudalism declined, stronger National Kingdoms in Spain, France, Austria, Prussia, and Russia and emerged under the control of absolute rulers.


Absolute rulers wanted to control their countries economies so that they could freed themselves from limitations imposed by the nobility. In France Louis XIV’s unrestrained spending left his country with huge debts.


In Great Britain, Parliament and British people challenge the monarchies Authority. The overthrow of the king lead to important political changes.

Chapter Objective:

WICOR: Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization and Reading

Analyze and evaluate the actions of competing European nations for colonies around the world and the impact on indigenous populations

SECTION 1 Spain's Empire and European Absolutism

Describe Spain's empire and the growth of absolute monarchy in Europe.

SECTION 2 The Reign of Louis XIV

Describe the reign of Louis XIV and the power struggles in Europe.

SECTION 3 Central European Monarchs Clash

Summarize the Thirty Years' War, and the formation of central European states.

SECTION 4 Absolute Rulers of Russia

Describe the Russian state and the rule of Peter the Great.

SECTION 5 Parliament Limits the English Monarchy

Explain the conflicts that led to changes to the English political system.

Essential Questions



Condition that occurs when a ruler has absolute, or total, power


State associated with another state because it has signed a treaty of formed an alliance


Go against


Broken up


Made bigger




Rob places that have been conquered or have experienced other disasters


Political divisions, like states

Religious Tolerance

Acceptance of more than one set of religious beliefs


Order in which people follow one another to the throne


Action to betray or overthrow government

Chapter Quiz:

One main cause for the weakness of the Spanish economy was

(A)wars in the Spanish Netherlands

(B)the defeat of the Spanish Armada

(C)severe inflation

(D)the king’s lavish spending

One strategy Louis XIV used to maintain his power was

(A)weakening the nobility

(B)creating the palace of Versailles

(C)joining the League of Augsburg

(D)fighting religious wars

The most important result of the Thirty Years’ War was

(A)the end of the Holy Roman Empire

(B)the destruction of the German economy

(C)the modern state system

(D)the decline of French power

Peter the Great increased his powers as an absolute ruler

(A)to get revenge against the boyars

(B)to advance his program of westernization

(C)to expand the Russian state

(D)to end civil war in Russia

England became a constitutional monarchy as a result of

(A)the Restoration

(B)the English Civil War

(C)the Petition of Right

(D)the Glorious Revolution


7.Most powerful ruler in French history (2 wrds)

8.King executed after English Civil War (2 wrds)

9.Group of government ministers

10.Period of Charles II's rule

11.Idea that nothing can be known for certain

12.Immense French palace


1.King overthrown in the Glorious Revolution (2 wrds)

2.Powerful Spanish ruler (2 wrds)

3.Declaration of religious tolerance (3 wrds)

4.Powerful cardinal who ruled France

5.Austrian empress (2 wrds)

6.Puritan general (2 wrds)