Ch 28-2

Modernization in Japan

28.2-Modernization in Japan.pdf

Group Discussions

How and why did the Meiji government modernize Japan?

Drawing conclusions: What changes occurred in Japan during the Meiji Era? Discuss their effects on the country. Think about the reasons for modernization, the result of modernization, and the stance on imperialism.

Contrasting: What difference existed in Japan and China status as world powers? Think about military strength and economy and government.


I-C.6 Describe and analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious and social structures of the civilizations of east Asia.


Explain why Japan ended its isolation.

Trace the growth of Japanese imperialism

WICOR: Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization and Reading

EQ: How and why did the Meiji government modernize Japan?

Japan End its Isolation.

The Demand for Foreign trade.

Meiji Reform and Modernization.

Commodore Matthew C. Perry - The Man Who Unlocked Japan

Meiji Restoration

Imperial Japan.

Japan attacks China.

Russo-Japanese war.

Japanese Occupation of Korea.

Why china hates japan?

Russo- Japanese War

Russo- Japanese War

Why does South Korea Hate Japan?


Treaty of Kanagawa

Treaty between the United States and Japan opening trade between the two nations

Meiji Era

Period of rule by Emperor Mutsuhito from 1867 to 1912

Russo-Japanese War

War between Russia and Japan fought in 1904


Adding of territory