

A. The District shall provide reasonable support and assistance to teachers as described in the Student Behavior Handbook so they can maintain control and discipline while engaged in their duties and responsibilities. It is essential for the school staff to establish means for obtaining the cooperation of parents of students involved in discipline problems.

B. A positive disciplinary program shall be continued in each school. Each teacher shall be given a copy of the school's disciplinary policy as developed and/or modified by the principal, Instructional Council and/or faculty.

C. The principal has the primary responsibility for administering the school’s disciplinary policy. In accordance with the school's disciplinary policy, the teacher is responsible for maintaining a good social environment among those students under the teacher's responsibility at any given time and for sharing with other staff members the responsibility for school-wide behavior.

D. The teacher shall receive assistance from the principal when a disciplinary problem is beyond the control of the teacher or when the teacher believes it is necessary.

E. The teacher may temporarily dismiss a student from class to the principal when the student's behavior is disruptive to the point of impeding learning by the other students and after efforts have been made to correct the problem in accordance with the school's disciplinary practice.

1. The teacher shall furnish the principal in writing full particulars of the incident including the efforts that have been made to correct the problem and whether or not the student may be returned to class prior to a conference between the teacher and principal.

2. Before the principal returns the student to the classroom, the principal shall inform the teacher of the corrective measures taken.

3. In cases of extreme or chronic student disruption to a classroom, the teacher may call a case conference with the principal, parents and others as necessary for the purposes of discussing the problem and determining and initiating corrective measures. If requested the student will not be returned to the classroom until such corrective measures have been initiated or until the due process rights of the student would be violated.

F. Notification shall be provided to teachers of suspended students by the end of the school day that follows the day of suspension.

G. Whenever it appears that a student needs professional attention beyond the scope of the individual school, the teacher shall inform the principal in writing so that reasonable steps can be taken.

H. The parties agree that a teacher may use reasonable force to repel a personal assault or one upon any other person. Any case of assault shall be promptly reported to the principal and by the principal to the Superintendent. The District shall provide the necessary support to a teacher who is subjected to or charged with an assault during the course of one's duties, providing the teacher was acting in a reasonable manner and the actions were justifiable under the law, the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession, the terms and provisions of this Agreement, and regulations of the District.

I. Corporal punishment, which is defined as any disciplinary action taken by school personnel with the intention of producing physical pain, shall not be used as a disciplinary measure in the Albuquerque Public Schools. Disciplinary consequences of unacceptable pupil behavior will be aimed toward assisting students in the development of constructive personal and social behavior. Consistent with the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession, school staff members will "deal justly and considerately with each student."

J. Whenever possible, an officer of the District shall initiate a complaint arising from criminal acts occurring on school property. It shall be the responsibility of any teacher witnessing such acts to provide all information to the principal.

K. A teacher shall be informed of any complaint to the principal by a parent concerning the disciplinary action taken by the teacher in regard to a child.