Gov 5 Political Belief

Divide and conquer is man-made. Creating poverty and Economically enslaving people, is man-made! Fear and hate is man-made!

John Chavez


Strand: Civics and Government

Content Standard III: Students understand the ideals, rights, and responsibilities of citizenship and understand the content and history of the founding documents of the United States with particular emphasis on the United States and New Mexico constitutions and how governments function at local, state, tribal, and national levels. Students will:

Why facts don't convince people

Is President Donald Trump Turning The GOP Into A Cult-Like Base? | MTP Daily | MSNBC

WICOR: Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization and Reading

Essential question:

What role do Democrats, Republicans and third parties play in the American system of government?

What do political parties do?

How does the two party system work?

How are political parties organized?

1860 Lincoln Electoral Map

2008 Obama Electoral Map

Political beliefs and public opinions.

American Political culture.

Key definitions.


Core values.

Mistrust of Government.

The Dictator - Democracy Speech

The Newsroom "America is not the greatest country in the world anymore" 2012

Santos Defends Liberals

The Rise of Conservatism: Crash Course US History #41

John F. Kennedy - Defining Liberal

How Are Conservative And Liberal Brains Different?

Political Socialization.


Agents of socialization.


Bill Maher:

JFK vs Reagan

What Do Democrats Believe?

Why Tax Breaks For the Rich Don't Create Jobs

Political Ideology.


Liberal ideology.

Conservative ideology.

Political Ideology: Crash Course Government and Politics #35

How tax breaks help the rich

Family Guy - Republican Town Song

Elizabeth Warren on Debt Crisis, Fair Taxation

Elizabeth Warren: This Fight Is Our Fight | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Designing Women - Julia Sugarbaker "The Candidate"

Robert Reich - 7 Lies

Polls and Democracy.

A tool for democracy.

A tool for the timid and manipulative.

A caution for the Democratic process.

Chappelle to 'poor whites': Trump's not fighting for you

Charlie Brown, Lucy and the Football



A set of widely shared political beliefs and values. America's political culture is characterized by strong support for individual liberty, political equality, legal equality, the rule of law, and limited government.


The process by which political values are formed and passed from one generation to the next. The tamily is the most important agent of political socialization.


Attitudes about institutions, leaders, political issues, and events.


A cohesive set of beliefs about politics, public policy, and the role of government.


The belief that one's political participation makes a difference.


Voting for candidates of different parties for different offices in the same election. Recent elections have witnessed a significant increase in split-ticket voting as the number of voters who identify themselves as independents increases.


Section 1 Capitalist and Mixed Systems

Economic systems can be classified into three major types—traditional, market, and command. In a traditional economy, habit and custom dictate the rules for all economic activity, determining what, how, and for whom goods and services are produced. A command economy has a central authority that makes most of the economic decisions. A market economy allows buyers and sellers acting in their individual interests to compete for resources. Most countries have a mixed economic system.

In a capitalist or free enterprise market system, the economy is based on private ownership of the factors of production and on individual economic freedom. Government provides some public services and may own some land. Entrepreneurs are free to go into business, to profit, or to risk losses. Other essential aspects of capitalism are competition, freedom of choice, and private property. During the Great Depression, the government took a large role in the economic health of the country. In 2008, the U.S. government intervened heavily during a financial crisis.

Roseanne and the State Rep

Joe Scarborough: 'It never trickles down'

Section 2 Emerging Economies

Developing nations are mostly agricultural with little or no industry. Newly developed nations have had significant or rapid industrial growth in recent decades. Some have chosen to follow the free market path; others have chosen socialism as their model. Socialist governments are involved in operating important industries. Communist governments own and operate all factors of production. Many developed countries with socialist governments provide "cradle-to-grave" benefits for their citizens, which require high taxes. Developing and newly developed nations that turn to socialism often nationalize existing industries, redistribute land, and set up a welfare system. This, in turn, kills foreign investment, leads to massive debt, and often leads to corruption in government.

Section 3 Major Economies in Transition

Many nations today are transitioning from a command economy to a market economy. The two most significant nations in this group are Russia and China. Since the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, it has been attempting to build a free enterprise system. Russia's leaders have broken up huge, state-owned industries, created a stock market, and initiated other reforms, but progress has been slow. Former Communist bureaucrats who gained control of Russia's resources through bribes and inside knowledge are resistant to reform now that they have become wealthy and powerful. In addition, many Russians do not have a deep understanding of democracy.

In the late 1970s, China's Communist leaders began dismantling the centrally controlled economy and encouraging private enterprise. The pace of China's development has been amazing. China's 1.3 billion people provide a large, cheap labor pool. The government gives foreign companies tax breaks and cheap land, and has also spent billions on infrastructure to help manufacturers. Moving from a command economy to a free market economy without changing the political system has worked so far. However, as China's middle class grows, experts predict that the Communist system will either weaken or tighten controls even more.

Section 4 The Global Economy

International economic activities include direct investment in foreign companies or real estate, multinational corporations, banking and financial services, currency exchange, and trade among nations. Nations trade to obtain goods and services they cannot produce themselves. They also trade because they may have a comparative advantage in producing some goods more efficiently. Specialization leads to greater total world production. Finally, nations trade to create jobs. Unrestricted trade promotes efficient production but also threatens domestic industries and jobs. As a result, countries restrict trade through tariffs, quotas, health and safety regulations, and embargoes.

Since the end of World War II, major nations have created trading blocs to limit unfair trade practices. The World Trade Organization negotiates reductions in trade barriers. The European Union has integrated the economies of and removed all trade barriers among its members. The North American Free Trade Agreement created a large regional economic unit that includes the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The United States advocates fair trade rather than free trade.

Al Franken HUMILIATES Rick Perry On Climate Change Science

Real Time with Bill Maher March 9 2012 Poor White Conservatives from Mississippi

Obama Voters - 201203

Ronald Reagan extract from Michael Moore's Capitalism A Love Story


Jon Oliver - Libertarianism

Lip, From Shameless:

"Every Libertarian was born on third base and think they hit a triple."

Bill Maher explains why intelligent people vote Republican

This is why I vote republican

The Newsroom - Rinos, Real Republicans, The Tea Party, The Founding Fathers on religion

Real Time with Bill Maher: Erin Brockovich

Real Time with Bill Maher: The United States of You Don’t Wanna Know

West Wing - Dr. Jacobs - Bible References

Disowning Sarah Palin | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Real Time with Bill Maher: The United States of You Don’t Wanna Know (HBO)

Valeant Pharmaceuticals / Drug Price Profiteering

Televangelists: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Ron Reagan on Gun Control - Feb 6, 1989

Milton Friedman - Should Higher Education Be Subsidized?

TAKE IT TO THE LIMITS: Milton Friedman on Libertarianism

College Students Describe What a Conservative I

Liberal vs. conservative Americans

PBS Frontline The Jesus Factor

West Wing on gays in the military

The West Wing - Gun Control Laws

The West Wing: I could pummel your ass with a baseball bat

The West wing: Charlie on Terrorism and Gangs

Abortion, Texas-Style | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS

NBC Nightly News: The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

Real Time with Bill Maher: The Sick Culture of Wealth (HBO)

Jimmy Kimmel discusses climate change with scientists backing him up