B#3 Expanding Role

9-12 Benchmark 1-B.

United States: analyze and evaluate the impact of major eras, events and individuals in United States history since the civil war and reconstruction:

#3 Standards and Specifications:

Analyze the United States’ expanding role in the world during the late 19th and 20th centuries, to include:

a. causes for a change in foreign policy from isolationism to interventionism; causes and consequences of the Spanish American war;

b. expanding influence in the western hemisphere (e.g., the Panama canal; Roosevelt corollary added to the Monroe doctrine, the “big stick” policy, and “dollar diplomacy”);

c. events that led to the United States’ involvement in World War I; United States’ rationale for entry into World War I and impact on military process, public opinion and policy;

e. United States’ impact on the outcome of World War I; United States’ role in settling the peace (e.g., Woodrow Wilson, Treaty of Versailles, league of nations, and Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, Sr.).


● Understand the goals of Imperialism

Sample Question: History.I.1-B.3e

Read the excerpt, and then answer the question that follows.

“I hope that we can persuade our people on the one hand to act in a spirit of generous justice and genuine courtesy toward Japan, and on the other hand to keep the navy respectable in numbers and more than respectable in the efficiency of its units. If we act thus we need not fear the Japanese. But if…….we show ourselves ‘opulent, aggressive, and unarmed,’ the Japanese may sometime work us an injury.”

- President Theodore Roosevelt

This statement best reflects Roosevelt’s support for which action?

A. the Monroe Doctrine

B. the Big Stick Diplomacy *

C. the Open Door Policy

D. the Roosevelt Corollary

●Understand the goals of Imperialism

American Imperialism: Crash Course US History #28

How America became a Superpower?

a. causes for a change in foreign policy from isolationism to interventionism; causes and consequences of the Spanish American war;

Spanish-American War | 3 Minute History

The Century: America's Time - The Beginning: Seeds of Change

a. causes for a change in foreign policy from isolationism to interventionism; causes and consequences of the Spanish American war;

The Spanish American War | History Channel Documentary

b. expanding influence in the western hemisphere (e.g., the Panama canal; Roosevelt corollary added to the Monroe doctrine, the “big stick” policy, and “dollar diplomacy”);

Who Built the Panama Canal?

b. expanding influence in the western hemisphere (e.g., the Panama canal; Roosevelt corollary added to the Monroe doctrine, the “big stick” policy, and “dollar diplomacy”);

The Roosevelt Corollary Explained in 3 Minutes: US History Review

The Monroe Doctrine 1823

Teddy's Big Stick Diplomacy

b. expanding influence in the western hemisphere (e.g., the Panama canal; Roosevelt corollary added to the Monroe doctrine, the “big stick” policy, and “dollar diplomacy”);

History Brief: The Roosevelt Corollary and Dollar Diplomacy

The Century: America's Time - 1914-1919: Shell Shock

How WWI started?

HOW World War I Started: Crash Course World History 209

America in WWI

America in World War I: Crash Course US History #30

The US in WWI

Bet You Didn't Know: World War I | History

World War I: Global Connections | History

Legacy of World War I | History

Champion for Democracy?- Woodrow Wilson

Champion for Democracy? - Woodrow Wilson I WHO DID WHAT IN WW1?

Treaty of Versailles

League of Nations

League of Nations clip from BBC Time To Remember

The League of Nations: Wilson's League for Peace

Woodrow Wilson: The great romantic

The treaty of Versailles: Wilson vs. The Senate