D#1 Citizens, Non-Elected

Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens

Benchmark 3-D:

Understand how to exercise rights and responsibilities as citizens by participating in civic life and using skills that include interacting, monitoring and influencing.


●Explain the impact of advocacy in politics (i.e., interest groups, single-issue groups, lobbyists, PACs, 527 groups, organizations, Super PACs)

●Know the powers and limitations of special interest groups

Sample Question:

The U.S.Supreme Court in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission(2010) ruled that campaign finance laws fall under the constitutional protection of which constitutional protected right?

A.the right to petition

B.the right to due process

C.the right to assembly

D.the right to free speech *

Interest Groups: Crash Course Government and Politics #42

Single Issue Voters Hurt Us All

How Voters Decide: Crash Course Government and Politics #38

What Is Lobbying and Can It Be Good?

Jack Abramoff: The lobbyist's playbook

5 Crazy Facts About Lobbyists - Follow the Money #11

What Are Super PACs?

Public Opinion: Crash Course Government and Politics #33

Shaping Public Opinion: Crash Course Government and Politics #34

Political Ideology: Crash Course Government and Politics #35

The Political Spectrum Explained In 4 Minutes