#4 Industrial Revolution

Ch. 25 & 26

#4 Performance Standards & Specifications:

Analyze the pattern of historical change as evidenced by the industrial revolution, to include:

a. conditions that promoted industrialization;

Coal, Steam, and The Industrial Revolution: Crash Course World History #32

1. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, how much of the world’s population engaged in farming? What about today in the United States?

2. What is John Green’s definition of the Industrial Revolution?

3. What are some euro-centric reason as to why industrialization might have happened first in Europe?

4. Why was China just as primed for an Industrial Revolution as Britain and the rest of Europe was?

5. What advantages in Europe (and specifically England) have to benefit from the Industrial Revolution?

6. What arguments could be made that Indian cotton production helped spur British industrialization?

Industrialization and imperialism | World History | Khan Academy

b. how scientific and technological innovations brought about change; (i.e., agricultural revolution, steam engine, mining, transportation, and textiles)

Causes of the Industrial Revolution: The Agricultural Revolution

Steam Engine - How Does It Work

c. impact of population changes (e.g., population growth, rural-to-urban migrations, growth of industrial cities, emigration out of Europe);

Human Population Growth - Crash Course Ecology #3

d. evolution of work/business and the role of labor (e.g., the demise of slavery, division of labor, union movement, impact of immigration, child labor);

What Ended Slavery? | Cool History

Division of Labor - Adam Smith

The Labor Movement in the United States | History

Why The Rich Love Destroying Unions

Strike Breakers

The Economics of Immigration: Crash Course Econ #33

Immigrants at Ellis Island | History

John Kelly's Anti-Immigration Rhetoric is Nothing New | The Daily Show

If Tomi’s Anti-Immigration Rant Was Enforced, She Wouldn’t Be Here

America The Story of Us: Why do Immigrants Come to America? | History

Sound Smart: Child Labor in the Industrial Revolution | History

e. political and economic theories of capitalism and socialism (e.g., Adam Smith, Karl Marx, communism, Laissez-faire);

Joe Rogan talks to Steven Pinker about the pros and cons of capitalism vs socialism.


Capitalism and Socialism: Crash Course World History #33

1. What is capitalism?

2. What is industrial capitalism as defined by Joyce Appleby?

3. Where did industrial capitalism originate and what advantages did this location have?

4. What role did agriculture factor into industrial capitalism?

5. How did the British achieve an increase in agricultural productivity?

6. What was perhaps the most important idea that was popularized in England during this time?

7. What are some downsides to industrial capitalism?

8. What is socialism?

9. Who is Karl Marx?

10. What are the two key ideas that underlie Marx’s theory of class struggle?


Market Economy: Crash Course Government and Politics #46

What Is Socialism?

Adam Smith Biography

A&E Biography of the Millennium Part 22, 7-6 Karl Marx

Mini Bio: Karl Marx

What Is Communism?

Communism vs. Socialism: What's The Difference? | NowThis World

f. status and roles of women and minorities;

Working Conditions for Women and Children during the Industrial Revolution