Ch 23-3

Napoleon Forges an Empire

23.3-Napoleon Forges an Empire.pdf

Group Discussions

Why do you think Napoleon became as popular as he did?

Drawing Conclusions: What were some Napoleon's most enduring achievements during the years of Peace following his government takeover? Why were they important? Think about the economy, education and religion, and laws.

Analyzing causes Recognizing effects: What might have caused the French people to embrace Napoleon as Emperor as soon after the fighting the revolution that rid them of a king? Support your answer with evidence.


I-C.3 Explain and analyze revolutions (e.g., democratic, scientific, technological, social) as they evolved throughout the enlightenment and their enduring effects on political, economic and cultural institutions.


Trace Napoleon's rise to power.

Explain how Napoleon Bonaparte came to power.

Summarize how Napoleon restored order in France.

Describe the extent and weakness of Napoleon's empire.

WICOR: Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization and Reading

EQ: Why do you think Napoleon became as popular as he did?

Napoleon seizes power

Hero of the hour

Coup d’État

Napoleon's Bloodless Coup

Napoleon Bonaparte

Jacques-Louis David’s Napoleon on Horseback at the St. Bernard Pass (1800) presents a famously heroic image of Napoleon’s attack on Italy in 1800. David’s art clearly served the interests of Napoleon’s political regime. The powerful and dynamic image was intended to convey Napoleon’s greatness and his place in the history of conquering heroes.

Napoleon rules France

Restoring order at home

Napoleon crowned as emperor

Conquerors- Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon create an empire

Loss of American territories

Conquering Europe

The Battle of Trafalgar

The French Empire

The Battle of Trafalgar - Admiral Nelson's Moment I PIRATES

Engineering an Empire- Napoleon


Napoleon Bonaparte

military leader who seized power in France

coup d'etat

a sudden takeover of a government


vote by the people


government-run public school



Napoleonic Code

Complete set of laws set up by Napoleon that eliminated many injustices

Battle of Trafalgar

British defeat of Napoleon's forces at sea

Critical Thinking

1a What evidence shows that Napoleon cared about his Public Image?

1b How would you compare Napoleon's actions in October of 1795 and November 1799?

2a In general, did Napoleon make the French government stronger or weaker?

2b What made the admission policy to the lycees significant?

2c What causes Napoleon to reach an agreement with the Pope?

3a How did L'Ouverture's Revolution benefit the United States?

3b How did the Battle of Trafalgar show the importance of Naval power?

3c How long did Napoleon's empire remain at its peak?

3d How did Napoleon's believe in equal opportunity conflict with his method of selecting leaders for puppet governments?