Ch 20-1

Spain Builds an American Empire

20.1-Spain Builds an American Empire.pdf

Group Discussions

Do you think the native people of the Americas could have successfully defended their civilization if they had been more suspicious of the first Spanish to arrive? Explain.

Analyzing Causes and Recognizing Effects: What enabled the Spanish forces to conquer the Aztec people? Think about weapons used by each side, allies and enemies, and forces that weakened the Aztec.

Drawing conclusions: What was the general pattern of conquest and settlement followed by the Spanish in the Americas? Think about the roles of conquistadors, and Priests, relationships between Spanish and Natives, and the encomienda system.


I-C.2 Analyze and evaluate the actions of competing European nations for colonies around the world and the impact on indigenous populations.


Describe the voyage of Columbus and his contemporaries.

Describe the Spanish conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca.

Identify the effects of Spanish colonization on the America.

Trace the level of resistance to Spanish rule by indigenous people.

WICOR: Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization and Reading

EQ: Do you think the native peoples of the Americas could have successfully defended their civilizations if they had been more suspicious of the first Spanish to arrive? Explain.

The Voyages of Columbus

First Encounters

Other Explorers take to the seas

Christopher Columbus was a Murderous Moron

The Spanish Empire, Silver, and Runaway inflation

One of the earliest European depictions of Native Americans was this engraving of 1505. The caption informed readers that American peoples lived in communal society, where men took several wives but none had private possessions, and that they routinely smoked and consumed the bodies of slain enemies. How might such representations have shaped European ideas about native Americans?

This is an artist’s rendering of a Spanish galleon. Galleons were large,multi-decked, highly stable and maneuverable sailing ships used by Europeans for war or commerce. The Spanish and the Portuguese built the largest types for their profit table overseas trade.

Columbus Discovers America | History of the World | BBC Documentary

Spanish conquests in Mexico

Cortes Conquers the Aztecs

The Aztec Empire, Tenochtitlan, and the coming of the Spanish

Hernan Cortes: Conquered the Aztec Empire

Hernan Cortes

This late-sixteenth-century painting idealized the Spanish conquest of the Aztec empire. Shown on the wall is Motecuzoma, captured by the Spaniards

attacking his palace, and he is pleading with the Aztecs to surrender.

A mural by Tlaxala artist Desiderio Hernández Xochitiotzin depicts the central place of Doña Marina in facilitating encounters between Hernán Cortés (on the right) and the indigenous peoples of Mexico.

Mexico Unexplained: Doña Marina "La Malinche", the Most Important Woman in Mexican History

Spanish Conquests in Peru

Pizarro subdues the Inca

Spain's pattern of conquest

The Portuguese in Brazil

Francisco Pizarro: Spanish Conquistador

Spain's Influence expands

Conquistadores push north

5 most Ruthless and feared conquisatadores

Opposition to Spanish rule

African Slavery and Native Resistance

The Black Legend, Native American, and Spanisards


Christopher Columbus

Italian explorer who landed in the Americas


Land controlled by another nation

Hernando Cortes

Conquistador who defeated the Aztec


Spanish explorers in the Americas

Francisco Pizarro

Conquistador who defeated the Inca


Last incan emperor


Person with mixed Spanish and Native American blood


System of mining and farming using natives as a slave labor

Atahualpa and the Bible.ppt
Moctezuma and Cortes Original Documents.doc
Moctezuma Xocoyotzin_0.pptx