CH 22-3


22.3-The Enlightenment Spreads.pdf

Group Discussions

What are some of the ways that Western culture changed in response to Enlightenment ideas? Be sure to mention the baroque, neoclassical and classical styles.

Making Inferences: How did Enlightenment ideas influence the arts and literature in Europe during the 1700s? Give examples.


I-C.3 Explain and analyze revolutions (e.g., democratic, scientific, technological, social) as they evolved throughout the enlightenment and their enduring effects on political, economic and cultural institutions.


Explain how Enlightenment ideas spread throughout Europe.

Describe changes in art, music, and literature during the Enlightenment.

Show how Enlightenment ideas reformed monarchies in Prussia, Austria, and Russia.

WICOR: Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization and Reading

EQ: In a paragraph or two, discuss some of the ways in which western culture changed in response to Enlightenment ideas. Be sure to mention the baroque, neoclassical, and classical styles.

A world of ideas

Diderot’s encyclopedia

Joseph Wright of Derby’s painting entitled “A philosopher gives a lecture on the orrery” centers on a three-dimensional image of the cosmos (the orrery); his use of light offers a metaphor for the Enlightenment and natural philosophy.

The controversial origins of the Encyclopedia - Addison Anderson

New Artistic Styles

Neoclassical style Emerges

Changes in Music and Literature

People's Palaces - The Golden Age of Civic Architecture: Neo Classical

Enlightenment and monarchy

Frederick the Great

Joseph II

Catherine the Great

Catherine expands Russia

Frederick the Great

Documentary Films: Getting to Know the Real Catherine the Great



Social gathering for discussing ideas or enjoying art


Grand, ornate style


Sample style that borrowed ideas from classical Greece and Rome

Enlightened despot

Ruler who supported Enlightenment ideas but did not give up power

Catherine the Great

Russian ruler who took steps to reform and modernize Russia

Critical Thinking:

1a How has Diderot’s Encyclopedia different from those you used today?

1b Why do you think Enlightenment ideas spread so readily? What does this suggest about their appeal?

2a How does neoclassical ISM reflect the ideas of order and reason?

2b Why did novels become popular in the 18th century?

3a Why must all rulers balance their philosophical goals with practical concerns about support?

3b Why were most of the reforms applied to middle and upper-class? How did the rulers view the peasants?