Ch 25-4

Reforming the Industrial World

25.4-Reforming the Industrial World.pdf

Group Discussions

In the 19th century, what were some of the main differences between the beliefs of laissez-faire capitalism and communist?

Drawing conclusions: Why might the philosophy of Communism have appealed to many 19th century Factory workers? Think about Factory workers’ conditions and lives, belief of Communism, and social status of factory workers.

Analyzing motives: What are some of the likely reasons that many middle-class British believed in the theories of laissez-faire capitalism and the free market system in the 1800?

Forming and supporting opinions: Do you think the concept of complete reliance on a free market system, using the 19th century Britain as a model, work well? Explain.

Focus & Motivate

Ask student's how today's American government regulate industry and protects workers.


I-C.4 Analyze the pattern of historical change as evidenced by the industrial revolution.

d. Evolution of work/business and the role of labor (e.g., the demise of slavery, division of labor, union movement, impact of immigration);

e. Political and economic theories of capitalism and socialism (e.g., Adam Smith, Karl Marx);

f. status and roles of women and minorities;


List the economic, social, and political reforms that arose from the Industrial Revolution.

Identified thinkers and ideas that supported industrialization.

Explain the origins and Main concepts of socialism and Marxism.

Examine unionization and legislative reform.

Describe other reform movements of the 1800s.

WICOR: Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization and Reading

EQ: In the 19th century, what were some of the main differences between the beliefs of laissez-faire capitalists and communists?

The philosophers of industrialization

Laissez- Faire economics

The economists of capitalism

Adam Smith

Milton Friedman- Laissez Faire and Limited Government

The rise of socialism


Utopian ideas


Capitalism and Socialism

What is socialism?

Marxism radical socialism

The Communist Manifesto

Karl Marx

Labor unions and reform laws


Reform laws

Strike Breakers

The labor movement in the united states

Why the rich love destroying unions


Do labor unions still matter?

Robert Koehler’s painting The Strike depicts a situation verging toward violence as workers mill about in a confrontation with factory owners and one angry laborer crouches to pick up a stone.

The reform movement spreads

The abolishment of slavery

The fight for women's right

Refunds read too many areas of life

How the British empire abolished slavery?

Women's Suffrage


Laissez Faire

Economic theory that argues that governments should not interfere with business affairs

Adam Smith

Philosopher who defended laissez faire economics


Economic system in which people invest money to make a profit


Belief that an idea is only as good as it is useful


Belief that businesses should be owned by society as a whole

Karl Marx

Economic thinker who wrote about a radical form of socialism


Form of socialism in which all production is owned by the people


Organized groups of workers that bargain with business owners to get better pay and working conditions


Organized refusal to work

Critical Thinking

How does laissez-faire economics reflect Enlightenment ideas of challenging power and authority?

How did capitalism bring about the Industrial Revolution?

How does utilitarian approach judge the worth of ideas?

Why do you think New Harmony lasted only three years?

How are the "Haves" and the "Have Nots" interdependent?

Do you think Marx agreed with people work for self-interest? Why or why not?

How did the growth of unions help workers?

How do you think joining a union or supporting a reform law made workers feel?

How can slavery be an economic threat?

What do lower wages for women suggest about their place in industrial society?