A#1 Tribes

Benchmark 1-A:

New Mexico: analyze how people and events of New Mexico have influenced United States and world history since statehood:

A#1 Standards with Specifications:

1. Compare and contrast the relationships over time of Native American tribes in New Mexico with other cultures.


● Understand reasoning and impact of Indian boarding schools

● Identify events associated with the passage of bills and laws that impacted Native Americans

● Identify the primary effect of the Indian Reorganization Act

American Geography Close Ups Southwestern States Volume 02

The Spanish Conquest of the New World

The Spaniards in North America

Spanish Settlements in New Mexico

The Santa Fe Settlement

Nomadic Peoples and Spiritual Leaders

The Long Walk Part 1

The Long Walk Part 2

The Long Walk Part 3

The Long Walk Part 4

The Long Walk Part 5

The Long Walk Part 6

The Long Walk Part 7

The Long Walk Part 8

The Long Walk Part 9

The Long Walk Part 10

Navajo, Diné, Indians of New Mexico, Arizona,1945 Documentary

History of Indian Boarding Schools

Stolen Children | Residential School survivors speak out

How The US Suppressed Native American Identity

Changing the way we see Native Americans | Matika Wilbur | TEDxTeachersCollege

How Independent Are Native American Reservations?

American Indians Are Still Getting a Raw Deal

Tribal Sovereignty: The Right to Self-Rule

25 Little Known Facts About Native Americans

Indian Reorganization Act

'America is a stolen country'

The Navajo Water Lady

Cursed by Coal: Mining the Navajo Nation

Cursed by Coal: Mining the Navajo Nation

Pueblo Dances in New Mexico

Pueblo Voices: Language

Language: The Heart of Our Culture

Sample Question:

What outcome of the Indian Reorganization Act is still noticeable today in New Mexico?

A. Native peoples are still restricted from carrying on traditional customs and cultural practices.

B. Reservations are still governed by the authority of the New Mexico State Legislature.

C. Native peoples must attend schools, as the Federal government expects them to assimilate.

D. Reservation areas are checker boarded in various areas of the state, as Native land was not fully returned. *

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500 Nations Disk 4