Ch 19-1

Europeans Explore the East

19.1-Europeans Explore the East.pdf

Group Discussions

What inspired Europeans to begin exploring foreign lands in the 1400? What made it possible for them to begin these explorations?

Identifying Problems: What problems did Europeans have to overcome in order to find an all-water route to Asia? Think about ships and sales, navigation tools, southern tip of Africa.


I-C.2 Analyze and evaluate the actions of competing European nations for colonies around the world and the impact on indigenous populations.


Explain what led to European exploration.

Describe steps in Portugal's discovery of a sea route to Asia.

Explain the rivalry between Spain and Portugal and how the pope resolved it?

Identify nations that set up trading empires in eastern Asia.

WICOR: Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization and Reading

EQ: What inspired Europeans to begin exploring foreign lands in the 1400s? What made it possible for them to begin these explorations?

For "God, Glory, and Gold"

Europeans seek new trade routes

The spread of Christianity

Technology makes exploration possible

Early Explorers: Gold, God, Glory

Age of Exploration

The Great Age of Exploration

Portugal leads the way

The Portuguese explore Africa

Portuguese sailors reach Asia

How Portugal became the first global sea power in history?

Mankind The story of all of us

Vasco de Gama: Portuguese Explorer

History of Portugal

Spain also makes claims

Spanish Colonization

Trading empires in the Indian ocean

Portugal's trading empire

Other nations challenge the Portuguese

Dutch trade outposts

British and French traders

Capitalism and the Dutch East India Company


Bartolomeu Dias

Portuguese explorer who rounded the tip of Africa

Prince Henry

Portuguese supporter of exploration

Vasco da Gama

Explorer who gave Portugal a direct sea route to India

Treaty of Tordesillas

Treaty between Spain and Portugal dividing newly discovered lands between them

Dutch East India Company

Dutch company that established and directed trade throughout Asia