C#12 Political Systems

Structure and Function of the U.S. Government

9-12 Benchmark 3-A: compare and analyze the structure, power and purpose of government at the local, state, tribal and national levels as set forth in their respective constitutions or governance documents:

C#12 Performance Standards & Specifications:

Compare and contrast the philosophical foundations of forms of government to understand the purpose of the corresponding political systems (e.g., socialism, capitalism, secular, theocratic, totalitarian)


●Identify forms of government (i.e., direct democracy, representative democracy, oligarchy, autocracy, theocracy)

●Identify sources of governmental power (i.e., popular sovereignty, divine right, force, evolutionary)

Parliamentary vs. Presidential Democracy Explained

●Identify forms of government (i.e., direct democracy, representative democracy, oligarchy, autocracy, theocracy)

●Compare and contrast forms of government and government powers

Sample Question:

Read the excerpt below and then answer the question.

—That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,-Excerpt from the Declaration of Independence, 1776

The excerpt above best represents which of the following ideas?

A.divine right theory

B.force theory


D.representative democracy*