Ch 24-3

Nationalism: Case Study–Italy and Germany


Group Discussions

How influential do you think feelings of nationalism are in terms of conflicts around the world today? Explain.

Recognizing effects: How did nationalism affect the Austro-hungarian and Russian Empires? Think about nationalism’s power both to unite and tear apart, attempts to suppress nationalism, and the ultimate result of nationalism.

Forming and supporting opinions: Do you approve or disagree without Otto Von Bismarck's policy of realpolitik? Give reasons and examples from the text. Think about his attitude towards the German Parliament, his accomplishments, and his relationship with France.


I-C.3 Explain and analyze revolutions (e.g., democratic, scientific, technological, social) as they evolved throughout the enlightenment and their enduring effects on political, economic and cultural institutions.


Identify the links that create nation-states and explain how nationalism weakens empires.

Summarize how Cavour unified Italy.

Describe the unification of Germany and explain shifts in power.

WICOR: Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization and Reading

EQ: How influential do you think feelings of nationalism are in terms of conflicts around the world today? Explain.

Nationalism: a force for Unity or disunity

Nationalism shakes aging Empires

The breakup of the Austrian Empire

The Russian Empire crumbles

The Ottoman Empire weakens

The Austro- Hungarian Empire

The last Tsar of Russia- Nicholas II

The fall of the Ottoman Empire

Cavour unites Italy

Cavour leads Italian unification

Garibaldi brings Unity

Bismarck United Germany

Pressure leads German unification

Italian Unification

German Unification

Bismarck takes control

Prussia expands

Seven weeks War

The Franco-Prussian War



A shift in power



A policy of forcing Russian culture on ethnic groups in the Russian Empire

Camillo de Cavour

Prime minister who unified northern Italy

Giuseppe Garibaldi

Leader of the Red Shirts who won control over parts of Southern Italy

Otto von Bismarck

Leader who worked to expand Prussia


Wealthy German landholders


Tough, practical politics



Critical Thinking

1a How was the Revolt of the Balkans an example of nationalism?

1b How is State-Building still taking place in the United States?

2a What did Francis Joseph hope to achieve by breaking his empire into two states?

2b How was russification supposed to strengthen the empire?

3a Why would Napoleon the third agree to help Sardinia drive out Austria?

3b Why was Rome made the capital of Italy?

4a What could you infer from the liberal parliament's refusal to provide money for Wilhelm I’s reforms?

4b How did Bismarck provocation of war with Austria demonstrate realpolitik?

5a What effect might the shift of power have?

5b How did nationalism create that shift?