A#2 Factors

Benchmark 1-A:

New Mexico: analyze how people and events of New Mexico have influenced United States and world history since statehood:

A#2 Standards with Specifications:

Analyze the geographic, economic, social and political factors of New Mexico that impact United States and world history, to include:

a. land grant and treaty issues unresolved to present day and continuing to impact relations between and among citizens at the state, tribal and federal government levels;

b. role of water issues as they relate to development of industry, population growth, historical issues and current acequia systems/water organizations;

d. role of the federal government (e.g., military bases, national laboratories, national parks, Indian reservations, transportation systems, water projects);

e. unique role of New Mexico in the 21st century as a “minority majority” state.


● Understand how land grants were established, the Santa Fe Ring, problems with proving ownership of a land grant; Reies Lopez Tijerina, La Alianza Federal de Mercedes

● Analyze the case of Mt. Taylor uranium mining in light of the Natural Historic Preservation Act of 1966

Language: The Heart of Our Culture

Minorities Become The Majority

White students minority at US schools

Importance of Water in New Mexico

New Mexico Water

Water Scarcity in New Mexico

Kirtland Air Force Base 75th Anniversary

Sandia Labs: Who We Are

Decades of Sandia Achievement

Nuclear Weapons Mission at Sandia

Our Mission

New Mexico's National Parks and Monuments

Bandelier National Monument

El Morro National Monument

Chaco Culture National Historical Park

Aztec Ruins National Monument

Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument

Carlsbad Caverns National Park

Fort Union National Monument

Capulin Volcano National Monument

Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument

El Malpais National Monument

Pecos National Historical Park

White Sands National Monument

The Albuquerque Volcanoes

Ancient Puebloan Petroglyphs

Mescalero Apache Indians

Tijerina- Fighting for the Land

las gorras blancas

Santa Fe Ring Top #6 Facts


WEBISODE | Should Uranium Mining Return to Grants? (1 of 2) | New Mexico PBS

Sample Question: History.I.1-A.2a

What do the following three terms have in common?

● Las Gorras Blancas

● Colfax County War

● Thomas B. Carton

A. All three were connected to land grants.*

B. All three have national monuments in their honor.

C. All three were important people or events during WWI.

D. All three are mentioned in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.