B#2 Government

Benchmark 1-B United States:

Analyze and interpret major eras, events, and individuals from the periods of exploration and colonization through the Civil War and Reconstruction in United States history.

#2 Standard with Test Specifications:

Describe the aspirations, ideals, and events that served as the foundation for the creation of a new national government, to include:

b. major debates of the constitutional convention and their resolution (e.g., the Federalist Papers), contributions, and roles of major individuals in the writing and ratification of the constitution (e.g., George Washington, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, John Jay).

c. struggles over ratification of the constitution and the creation of the Bill of Rights;

Sample Question:

What document was a result of the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?

A. the Magna Carta

B. the U.S. Constitution*

C. the Mayflower Compact

D. the English Bill of Rights

Constitutional Compromises: Crash Course Government and Politics #5

Introduction to the Constitutional Convention

George Washington - Mini Biography

James Madison - Mini Biography

Alexander Hamilton - Mini Biography

Thomas Jefferson - Mini Biography

James Monroe

John Jay: The Reluctant Revolutionary

The Battle for the Ratification of the Constitution- National History Day 2011

We adopt a Constitution for our new republic

The Making of the Constitution

The Story of the Bill of Rights

Constitution Hall Pass: The Bill of Rights (Constitution Day 2014)

Constitution Hall Pass: Bill of Rights (Ep. 2)