Ch 24-4

Revolutions in the Arts

24.4-Revolutions in the Arts.pdf

Group Discussions

How did the industrialization of Europe help to bring about change from romanticism to realism in art and literature?

Contrasting: How did romantic and realistic literature differ? Give examples. Think about the subject matter of the two, the main characters of the two, and the goals of each.


I-C.3 Explain and analyze revolutions (e.g., democratic, scientific, technological, social) as they evolved throughout the enlightenment and their enduring effects on political, economic and cultural institutions.


Define romanticism and give examples of romantic literature and music.

Explain the shift to realism and give examples of realistic art and literature.

Explain why Impressionists reacted against realism.

WICOR: Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization and Reading

EQ: How did the industrialization of Europe help to bring about a change from romanticism to realism in art and literature?

The Romantic Movement

The ideas of Romanticism

Romanticism in literature

The gothic novel

Composers emphasize motion


What is Gothic Literature?

Don't Reanimate Corpses

The shift to realism in the Arts

Photographers capture reality

Writer study Society



Impressionist react against realism

Life in the moment




Early 19th century movement in art and thought, which focused on emotion and nature rather than reason and Society.


19th century artistic movement in which writers and Painters sought to show life as it is rather then life as it should be.


A movement of the 19th century painting, which artist reacted against realism by seeking to convey their impressions of the subjects or movements in time.

Critical Thinking

1a Which ideas of Romanticism would encourage nationalism?

1b Why did Romanticism appeal so much to the middle class?

2a Why were novels particularly suitable for describing the realism of workers lives?

2b Who were the villains and the heroes of realistic art?

3a How is Impressionism similar to and different from photography?

3b Is impressionism more like realism or romanticism?