Ch 34-4

Conflicts in the Middle East

34.4-Conflicts in the Middle East.pdf

Group Discussions

Identify two key similarities and one key difference between Camp David Accords and the Declaration of principles signed after the Oslo Peace talks. Think about the ways the meetings were held, the participants of the meeting, and the results of the meeting.

Analyzing issues: After World War II, why was there conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians? Think about effects of World War II, partition of Palestine, and Palestinian military action.


Analyze and evaluate international developments following World War II, the cold war and post-cold war, to include:

b. creation of the state of Israel and resulting conflicts in the middle east;


Describe the formation of Israel.

Trace the conflict between Israel and the Arab states.

Describe the Palestinian struggle for Independence.

Explain Arab-Israel peace efforts.

Israel becomes a state

Israel: Birth of a State

Israel and Arab states in conflict

The 1956 Suez Crisis

Arab-Israeli Wars continue

The Palestine Liberation Organization

The 1965 Suez Crisis and the end of the British Empire

Conflict in Israel and Palestine

The Israel- Palestine conflict

Efforts at peace

Israeli-Palestinian Tensions increase

The Oslo Peace Accords

The Oslo Accords

Peace slips away

The conflict intensifies

Working toward a solution

Why isn't Palestine a state yet?

The struggle of Palestinian Farmers under occupation