Ch 21-3

Central European Monarchs Clash

21.3-Central European Monarchs Clash.pdf

Group Discussions

What were some of the most important results of the Thirty Years War?

Analyzing Issues: Why might it have been more difficult for absolutism to take hold in Central Europe than in Western Europe?


I-C.3 Explain and analyze revolutions (e.g., democratic, scientific, technological, social) as they evolved throughout the enlightenment and their enduring effects on political, economic and cultural institutions.


Summarize the Thirty Years' War, and the formation of central European states.

Explain the growth of central European states.

Identify conflicts between Prussia and Austria.

WICOR: Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization and Reading

EQ: What were some of the most important results of the Thirty Years' War?

The Thirty Years War

Bohemian Protestant revolt

Hapsburg triumphs

Habsburg defeats

Peace of Westphalia

Beginning of modern States

Thirty Years' War

States form in Central Europe

Economy contrast with the West

Several weak Empires

Austria grow stronger

Maria Teresa inherits the Austrian throne

Austria celebrates the legacy of Empress Maria Theresa

The Thirty Years’ War offered abundant opportunity for undisciplined mercenary soldiers to prey on civilian populations. Only rarely, as in the mass hanging depicted in this engraving of 1633, did soldiers receive punishment for their criminal acts.

Prussia challenges Austria

The rise of Prussia

Frederick the Great

War of the Austrian Succession

The Seven Years’ War

Frederick the Great

Seven Years' Wars


Thirty years war

Conflict over religion, territory, and power among European ruling families

Maria Theresa

Empress of Austria whose main enemy was Prussia

Frederick the Great

Leader of Prussia who sought to increase its territory

Seven years war

Conflict from 1756 to 1763 in which the forces of Britain and Prussia battles those Austria, France, Russia, and other countries