C#6 Systems

Structure and Function of the U.S. Government

9-12 Benchmark 3-A: compare and analyze the structure, power and purpose of government at the local, state, tribal and national levels as set forth in their respective constitutions or governance documents:

C#6 Performance Standards & Specifications:

Compare and contrast the unitary, confederal and federal systems;

Systems of Government: Unitary, Federal, and Confederal

●Compare and contrast the unitary, confederal and federal systems

How is power divided in the United States government? - Belinda Stutzman

●Know which system pertains to the United States

What Were the Articles of Confederation? | History

●Know under what circumstances the United States had a confederal system (Articles of Confederation, the Confederacy during the Civil War)

Federalism: Crash Course Government and Politics #4

●Know which system pertains to the United States

Unitary Governments

●Identify modern examples of unitary and confederal systems

Sample Question:

In a confederal system of government, power is primarily held or shared by which level(s)?

A.held by the regional governments*

B.shared by the regional and national governments

C.held by the national government

D.shared by the regional and municipal governments