Ch 21-4

Absolute Rulers of Russia

21.4-Absolute Rulers of Russia.pdf

Group Discussions

Why did Peter the Great decide to westernize Russia, and what are some of the things he did to encourage this?

Drawing Conclusions: What important changes took place in Russia in the late 1600s and the early 1700? Think about westernization and Europe, sea routes to Europe, styles and customs.

Drawing Conclusions: How was Russia different from Western Europe? How did Peter the Great want to change Russia? Think about economic systems, geographic barriers, and religious beliefs.


I-C.3 Explain and analyze revolutions (e.g., democratic, scientific, technological, social) as they evolved throughout the enlightenment and their enduring effects on political, economic and cultural institutions.


Describe the Russian state and the rule of Peter the Great.

Explain how Russian rulers began to build a stronger Russian state.

Characterize the differences between Russia and Western Europe.

WICOR: Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization and Reading

EQ: Why did Peter the Great decide to westernize Russia, and what are some things he did to accomplish this?

The First Czar

Rule by terror

Rise of the Romanov's

Ivan The Terrible

Brutal Execution of the Romanovs | History

Peter the Great comes to power

Russia contracts with Europe

Peter visits the West

Peter the Great

Tsar Peter the Great, with a pair of shears, readies himself to remove the beard of a conservative noble. Peter had traveled widely in Europe, and he wanted to impose newer European customs on his subjects. That included being more cleanly shaved. Nobles wishing to keep their beloved beards had to pay a yearly tax to do so.

Peter rules absolutely

Peter's reforms

Westernizing Russia

Establishing st. Petersburg

Peter the Great- History of Russia in 100 minutes

BBC Empire of the Tsars Episode 1: Reinventing Russia

BBC Empire of the Tsars Episode 1: Reinventing Russia


Ivan the Terrible

Ruler who added lands to Russia, gave it a code of laws, and also used his secret police to execute ''traitors"


Russian noble who owned land

Peter the great

Important leader of Russia who started westernization


Use of western Europe as a model of change