B#7 US Gov

Benchmark 4-B:

analyze and evaluate how economic systems impact the way individuals, households, businesses, governments and societies make decisions about resources and the production and distribution of goods and services:

#7 Standards with Test Item Specifications:

Understand the relationship between the United States’ governmental policies and international trade;


●Identify the role of tariffs

●Understand gross domestic product

Sample Question:

What is likely to result in a tariff having been placed by the U.S. on a foreign nation?

A. the foreign nation’s imports into the U.S. would decrease*

B. the U.S. would boycott goods from the foreign nation

C. the foreign nation’s revenue would increase

D. the U.S. would increase exports to the foreign nation

Inflation and Bubbles and Tulips: Crash Course Economics #7

Tariffs cannot stop China's active role in international market

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross Talks Tariffs, China, And The TPP | CNBC

The debate on Trump’s tariffs, explained

How Trump's tariffs could backfire on the U.S. economy

What The Heck Is GDP?

What is Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?