Ch 26-4

Nineteenth-Century Progress

26.4-Nineteenth-Century Progress.pdf

Group Discussions

What were the major factors in the development of mass culture?

Analyzing causes and recognizing effects: What were the three significant changes that occurred in the late 1800s because of inventions and discoveries made at the time?

Drawing conclusions: Which of the inventions discussed in this chapter do you think was the most important? Explain your answer. Think about impacts on work and daily life, inventions used by more than one nation, and system still in use today.

Focus & Motivate

Ask students to discuss how electricity affects their lives today.


Describe inventions in the late 19th century and their impact on daily life.

Trace advances in medicine and science.

Describe the emergence of social sciences.

Explain the rise of mass culture.

WICOR: Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization and Reading

EQ: What were the major factors in the development of a mass culture?

Inventions made life easier

Edison the inventor

Bell and Marconi revolutionize communication

Ford Sparks the automobile industry

The Wright brothers fly

New ideas in medicine

The Germ theory of disease

New ideas in science

Darwin's theory of evolution

Mendel and genetics

Advances in chemistry and physics

Social sciences explores Behavior

The rise of mass culture

Changes produce mass culture

Music Halls, Vaudeville, and movies

Sports entertainment millions


Assembly Line

Arrangement by which a product in a factory is moved from worker to worker, with each worker completing a single step in the task

Charles Darwin

Scientist who developed the theory of evolution

Theory of evolution

Theory that all life on earth developed from simpler forms of life


Form of energy released as atoms decay


Study of the mind

Mass Culture

Art and entertainment appealing to a large audience

Critical Thinking

How was harnessing electricity a key to other 19th century inventions?

How were the telephone and the radio superior to the telegraph?

Why was the germ theory an important breakthrough?

How were pasteurization and the use of antiseptics similar?

Besides competing for food, what are some of the other conditions to which species must adapt?

How would you describe the process by which advances in science take place?

What was the inherent flaw in Social Darwinism?

How were Darwin and Freud similar?

What was the long-term effects of movies on Vaudeville?

Why did mass culture become big business?