B#7 Cold War

9-12 Benchmark 1-B.

United States: analyze and evaluate the impact of major eras, events and individuals in United States history since the civil war and reconstruction:

#7 Standards and Specifications:

Analyze the impact of World War II and the cold war on United States’ foreign and domestic policy, to include:

a. origins, dynamics and consequences of the cold war tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union;

b. new role of the United States as a world leader (e.g., Marshall plan, NATO);

d. implementation of the foreign policy of containment, including the Truman doctrine;

e. Red Scare (e.g., McCarthyism, House Un-American Activities Committee, nuclear weapons, arms race);

f. external confrontations with communism (e.g., the Berlin blockade, Berlin wall, Bay of Pigs, Cuban missile crisis, Korea, and Vietnam war)

g. Sputnik and the space race; i. political protests of Vietnam war

Sample Question: History.I.1-B.7b

What was the original purpose for creating the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)?

A. to establish the World Bank

B. to provide a mutual defense*

C. to spread democracy

D. to promote free trade

The Century: America's Time - 1965-1970: Unpinned

The Century: America's Time - 1971-1975: Approaching the Apocalypse

The Cold War: Crash Course US History #37

Cold War 2.0 (VICE on HBO: Season 3, Episode 14)

What Was the Marshall Plan? | History

The Formation of NATO and the Warsaw Pact | History

Here's How the Truman Doctrine Established the Cold War | History

What Were the Pentagon Papers? | History

Sound Smart: Joseph McCarthy | History

What is McCarthyism? And how did it happen? - Ellen Schrecker

Sound Smart: The House Un-American Activities Committee | History

The Manhattan Project

The Doomsday Clock is Ticking! - THE COLD WAR Arms Race

Weapons of Mass Destruction I THE COLD WAR

The Berlin Wall (1961 - 1989)

The rise and fall of the Berlin Wall - Konrad H. Jarausch

JFK: The legacy of America's 35th president

America the Story of Us: JFK | History

'This Week': JFK Fifty Years Later

The JFK assassination | 72 Hours that changed America

Bay of Pigs | Killing Kennedy

The Cuban Missile Crisis | Killing Kennedy

The Korean War - THE COLD WAR Turns Hot!

North And South Korea Agree To Formally End The Korean War | TODAY

Turning Point of the Vietnam War - The Tet Offensive I THE COLD WAR

The Moment Sputnik Terrified & Thrilled Americans

Neil deGrasse Tyson: Don't Sit Around Waiting for a Sputnik Moment

The Space Race (1955-1975)