B#2 Industrial Revolution

9-12 Benchmark 1-B.

United States: analyze and evaluate the impact of major eras, events and individuals in United States history since the civil war and reconstruction:

#2 Standards and Specifications:

Analyze the transformation of the American economy and the changing social and political conditions in the United States in response to the industrial revolution, including:

b. rise of business leaders and their companies as major forces in America (e.g., John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie);

c. development of monopolies and their impact on economic and political policies (e.g., laissez-faire economics, trusts, and trust busting);

d. growth of cities (e.g., influx of immigrants, rural-to-urban migrations, racial and ethnic conflicts that resulted);

e. efforts of workers to improve working conditions (e.g., organizing labor unions, strikes, strike breakers);

f. rise and effect of reform movements (e.g., Populists, William Jennings Bryan, Jane Addams, and muckrakers);


●Describe the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory and the reform

Sample Question: History.I.1-B.2e

What did most workers turn to during the “Rise of Big Business” to improve their conditions?

A. anarchism

B. labor unions*

C. communism

D. socialism

The Industrial Economy

Mass Production and the Road to World War 1 I THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION


John D. Rockefeller

Andrew Carnegie and his Early Rise from Poverty

Traits of a Titan

Monopolies and Anti-Competitive Markets

Economic schools of Thought

Adam Smith

The Trustbuster President

Growth, Cities, and Immigration

John Kelly's Anti-Immigration Rhetoric is Nothing New | The Daily Show

If Tomi’s Anti-Immigration Rant Was Enforced, She Wouldn’t Be Here

Why The Rich Love Destroying Unions

The labor movement in the US

Srike Breakers

The Simpsons - Half-Ass Work Ethic

19Th Century Reforms

What is Populism?

Guilded Age Politics

The life and work of Jane Addams

Muckrakers for Dummies -- Muckraking and the Tradition of Investigative Reporting

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire