BOSEnterprise 2019.04


First read this topic: Before you upgrade

What you'll find on this page:

  • Breaking Changes and Upgrade Challenges

  • Transaction Enhancements

  • Transaction Checklist Enhancement

  • Checklist Enhancements

  • General Enhancements

  • Settings Enhancements

  • Actions Enhancements

  • Tracker Enhancements

  • Reporting Enhancements

  • Planning Board Enhancements

  • Workflow Enhancements

  • VAT Enhancements

  • VAT Control Enhancements

  • Banking Enhancements

  • Output Enhancements

  • Inventory - Replenishment View

  • Inventory - Replenishment View Enhancements

  • Stock Item Enhancements

  • Stock Item (Batch Item) Enhancements

  • Stock Check Enhancements

  • User-defined Fields Enhancements

  • Deprecated Modules and Functionality

  • Back-end Enhancements

Breaking Changes and Upgrade Challenges

  • Classes - User Access Settings - The User access settings for Classes are now Role based (Previously they were USer based). After upgrading, therefore, Users will not have access to the Classes modules until the new Role access has been assigned.

Transaction Enhancements

  • Transactions - User Fields - Functionality has been added to link user-fields to a Transaction - see image below. The User-fields for a Transaction are added/Updated in Setups > Transaction Types > Input Fields. (H - where is this image)

  • Transaction - Save Layout - A Menu Save Layout option has been added to the Transactions which will save the layout of the Edit Form including the Layout of the Input fields. NB. If any changes are made to the form’s layout or to the Input Fields, you need to Restore Default Layout to make the changes visible.

  • The following Transaction Type Settings have been added:

    • Default: Hide Header Column 3 (Default = No)

    • Default: Company Caption (Default = ‘Customer’ or ‘Supplier’)

  • Transaction - Info - The User Created/Updated have been added to the Transaction Info screen.

  • Items View - Group - The Item’s Group field has been added to the Transaction Items View.

  • Supplier Transactions - Terms - The Terms field has been added to the header on Supplier Transactions and is auto populated from the Credit Terms linked to the Supplier.

Transaction Checklist Enhancement

  • Checklist functionality has been added to Transactions. The Checklist consists of one or more items that must be approved, manually or automatically using SQL. When all the items are approved, the transaction is automatically set to an approved status - ideally a read-only status.

  • Checklists are setup under Main Menu > Setup > Checklists and consist of a Header with an ordered list of items.

  • The Header contains a Description, Code and a Note - these are only used in the Setup module.

  • The checklist Items contain the following fields:

    • Description

    • Type - select from:

      • Manual - The Item needs to be manually checked.

      • Auto - This type uses SQL to test if the Item's conditions are met. The SQL must always return two fields - VALUEID (Integer: 0=False, 1=True) and NOTE (string data type). If a Note is not required, you can pass a NULL value to the note field. A parameter :TRANSID can be used in the SQL to reference the transaction values.

      • Auto - Override - This works the same as the Auto Type except that users, which are assigned to the assigned Role, can override these items when the SQL does not approve them. Users are also allowed to Cancel the overrides.

    • Dependencies - Right-click to select which other items need to be checked before this item can be checked. (Applicable to Type=Manual only)

    • Roles - Right-click to select which user Roles are able to approve this item. (Applicable to Type = Manual and Type = Auto-Override)

  • The following Settings apply to the Checklist functionality:

    • Transaction Types - Default Checklist - Select the Checklist that will automatically be added to new Transactions. (A script can be used to set LEDGER.CHECKID to add checklists to existing Transactions)

    • Transaction Types > Role - Cancel Checklist approvals - Access allowed.

    • Transaction Types - Status - Select Default = Approved on the Status to which the Transaction must be set when it is Approved. Ideally you will only be able to Output/Copy from this Approved Status.

  • Checklists can be transported across databases by using the Menu > Save to file / Load from file functionality. The Dependency and Role settings are not copied however.

  • Transactions - If a Transaction has a Checklist, you are able to view it by clicking the Checklist button at the top right of the Transactions window. (See image below)

  • The Checklist uses a colour icon to display the status of each item as follows:

    • Red - Indicates an Auto Item which has not yet been approved or a Manual Item which is not yet ready for Approval - ie. The dependant items have not yet been approved.

    • Yellow - The Item is ready for Approval (No outstanding dependencies). Approval will only be possible if the user is linked to a Role that allows approval.

    • Green - Approved - The User and Date/Time that the item was approved is listed in the grid on the right.

  • The second black icon indicates the Item Type - M = Manual, A= Auto, O = Auto - Override.

  • Right-click an item or click the … button on the right to open the popup-menu. The menu items include:

    • Approve - This item is only enabled when the item is ready for approval and the user is linked to a suitable Role. (Users can also double-click an Item to Approve)

    • Cancel Approval - This is allowed if the user is linked to a role that allows cancellation of Approvals.

    • Add Note - Enables users to add a time-stamped note to a Manual item.

Checklist Enhancements

  • Code - A Code field has been added to the Checklist setup. This 20 character field will be used when the Checklist is displayed in condensed form. See image below.

  • Transactions - Condensed display - Transaction Checklists are now displayed in a condensed form at the top right of the Transaction Header - See image below.

  • Menu > Approve - The Approve menu item is now suffixed with the Roles that are authorised to Approve the item - see image below:

General Enhancements

  • GridView Column Header Filters - These have been changed back to the default filters instead of using the Excel inspired filters.

  • GridView Find Panel - The Find Panel is now displayed in a more compact way and shares the panel with the Group by Box.

  • Customers - Individuals - A General Setting > Default: Auto-update Individual Customer Name has been added: Options include:

    • Don’t update

    • FirstName Surname

    • FirstName Surname (If Blank)

  • Help > Request Helpdesk Support - A link to Request Helpdesk support has been added to the Help menu. Clicking this link will open the Support webpage on the QuickEasy website.

  • Tracker Modules - Output - The Output button has been moved next to the Execute button and the Refresh button has been moved to the top right in the Caption band. Templates can now be created that link to data pipeline Tracker - this will expose the values of user-defined fields on the Tracker.

  • Customer Contacts - When a Customer is set to Individual, the Company and Reg. as fields are no longer displayed. By Default the Company name will be set to Firstname Surname and not to the List as name.

  • Customer - Accounts Contact - When a Contact person is added to a Customer, the Contact is now automatically added to the Accounts Contact field, if it is blank.

  • Customer/Supplier Contacts - A General Setting > CRM > Default: Contacts - Generate ‘List as’ has been added - Options include:

    • FirstName - the first name is added to the List as field

    • FirstName Surname (Default) - the First name and Surname are added to the ‘List as’ field.

  • SQL Editor - Template - A Template button has been added. Click the Template button to generate a SQL outline which includes the required field names based on the function/module that the SQL is being created for.

  • Customer Warning - Custom - A General Setting > Customer Warning Message has been added which enables you to add a Custom warning in the Customer module. See image below:

  • Classes - Copy - The Copy button in Classes now persists on the Edit form - previously it was added to the Actions dropdown menu if Actions existed.

  • Classes - Deleting Allowed - A Classes > Deleting Allowed setting has been added to Classes. Default = Yes. When the Setting = No, the Delete Button is disabled.

  • GridViews - Alternate rows - Gridview Rows are now shaded in alternate rows.

  • Transaction Types - Items & Inventory - Category Filter - The Category Filter now allows up to 250 characters (previously it was 50 characters).

  • Layout > Save Layout, Restore Layout, Restore Default Layout - This functionality has been added to the following modules:

    • Customers

    • Suppliers

    • Transactions

    • Workflows

    • My Company

    • Classes

    • Items


If any changes are made to the form’s layout or to the Input Fields, you need to Restore Default Layout to make the changes visible.

  • User-defined fields - Lookup (SQL) - The Lookup (SQL) field type can now contain parameters in the SQL which will be populated from same-name user-fields. Eg. if the param name is :CUSTOMER it will be assigned the value from the user-defined field name CUSTOMER. When a transaction is saved, the Lookup(SQL) field values are validated and cleared if they are no longer valid.

  • Global Refresh - The following Setup modules have been updated to use the overall Refresh functionality (top right): Est Types, Entities, PriceLists, Workflow, PlanBoard, Tracker, Actions, Checklist, Class, Calendar.

  • Classes - Format Description - A new Class Setting > Format Description (SQL) … has been added. This setting uses SQL to format the Class Description and will override the other ‘Format Description’ setting which uses field name tags.

  • Copy Dialog - Status Changes - The Unchanged checkbox has been removed in favour of allowing users to select a Status, but limiting them to the default Status and Unchanged when the Status field is disabled on transactions.

  • HTML Editor - Wordwrap - A Wordwrap option has been added to the HTML Editor, checked by default.

  • HTML E-mail Templates - User Data - The following fields, which are derived from the logged in user, have been made available for use on the HTML templates:

    • USERMOBILE - Mobile No.

    • USERTEL - Work Telephone No.

    • USEREMAIL - Email Address

    • USERPOSITION - Position/Designation

    • USERSTATIONERY - The User’s Email Stationery

  • Reports - Item Parameter - An Item Parameter has been added to Reports (:MATUNITID) which allows you to filter a Report by Item.

  • Estimating - Scrolling - When scrolling through the Estimates on a Transaction, the Active page is now maintained, where possible.

  • Transaction - Copy - An Unchanged checkbox has been added to the Transaction Copy Dialogue. When it is checked, the status on the source transaction will remain unchanged. This is also applicable when the Status lookup is disabled. See image below:

  • Classes - Hide fields - Settings have been added to hide the Code, Unit and Status fields - only the Description is a mandatory field.

  • Customer/Supplier - Hide unused fields - A General Setting has been added to hide the Contacts mostly unused Image, SMS and Fax fields. See image below:

  • Email - Attachment - Functionality has been added to Remove/Open attachments when multiple Attachments are loaded.

  • Item Lookup - Multi-word search - Multi-word search has been added to the Item lookup in the Transaction as well as on the Estimate.

  • Optimisation - Price Lists - The ‘Price by Qty’ option has been removed from Price Lists - NB. In BE you can set up prices from an Estimate using a Fixed Price + Unit Price which is a much more effective model.

  • Transaction - Info - The Transaction Info display has been updated with the addition of Role Settings that are linked to the Transaction and which have been changed from their default values. - See image below:

  • Transaction - VAT Type - The functionality that assigns VAT Type to a Transaction has now been updated as follows:

    • The applicable VAT Type is first selected according to the Transaction Type, Customer and Currency of the Transaction.

    • If the selected VAT Type is not 0%, then the VAT Type from the Item that is being added or copied, is allowed to override the VAT Type.

  • Currencies - RoE History - A Currency History table has been added to record changes made to the Currency exchange rates. The History can be viewed from Settings > General > Currencies > Edit > History Tab. See image below:

  • Dashboard - The Dashboard has been updated as follows:

    • Splitters are now only visible when Customising the Dashboard - see Menu > Customise Layout. Charts can now also be customised in the Dashboard.

    • The Titles have been inserted into the Chart

    • A Popup menu can now be opened by right-clicking on a Chart - Items include

      • View Description

      • Open Report - Opens the linked Report if User has Access

      • Show Category Captions

      • Show Series Captions

  • Item Summary - Price Lists - Only prices from Active Price Lists are now displayed in the Item Summary > Pricing Tab.

  • User-defined fields - Image - The Image (.jpg) user-defined field has been renamed to Image - Images in multiple formats can now be loaded into this field.

  • Estimating - Pricing - A Menu item has been added to the Pricing popup menu to ‘Revert to default Adjustment. This allows you to set the selected price to the default adjustment. (Previously you could only apply it from the Menu to all the prices on the Estimate)

  • Estimating - Optimisation - The procedures that set the default Adjustment and Status on the Estimate Qty/Price table have been moved from the exe to the database.

  • Estimating - Default Markup on Estimate (%) - a Transaction Type Setting > Default Markup on Estimate (%) has been added so that you are now able to set a default MU% at a Transaction Type level. If this setting exists and it’s not = 0, it will override the same-name General Setting.

  • Customer - Adj% - Items - This setting is now applied to Transaction Items as well as to Estimate Items when an Estimate uses Selling Price. It will also override the Adj% of a Price List. The goal is for prices to be identical when Items are added to a Transaction Item or to an Estimate which uses Selling Price. (Previously this setting was not being applied correctly - see fixes below). If the Setting is blank or 0, it is not applied.

  • Customer - Adj% - Est. - This setting is now applied to Estimates, but at the Transaction Item level. This allows you to have a default markup on your Estimate to give you your standard list price (Assuming the Estimate uses Cost Price), and then the Adj% - Est will be applied on the Transaction Item, probably as a discount from your ‘List price’ which can then be displayed on the Quote letter. If the Setting is blank or 0, it is not applied.


Previously this setting was applied to the Estimate directly and would override the General Settings > Default Markup on Estimate (%).

  • Price Lists - Customers linked to 1x Price list - Customers are now only able to link to one Price List - a field CUSMAIN.PRICELISTID has been created to select a price list on a Customer level and the table PRICELINKS has been dropped.

  • Price Lists - Optimisation - The fixed Categories Custom and Estimating have been removed. Price Lists can therefore only be applied to Items.

  • Estimating Types - Using a Stored Procedure - We’ve updated the Estimating module to execute the Estimate Type calculation (EST_CALCPARAMS) twice by default when an Estimate is saved. This removes the necessity for executing the procedure EST_CALCPARAMS in the Stored Procedure that calculates the Estimate Type. (This method was causing the procedure to run recursively which made the Estimate Type slow). In the custom stored procedure that updates the Estimate Type, you need to add an exit clause at the top of the procedure to prevent it from executing the second time the EST_CALCPARAMS procedure is executed. The exit clause looks like this:

select first 1 Q.UPDATEID from QUOTEPARAMS Q


if (:UPDATEID = 1) then Exit;

  • Stock Check - Opening Stock Check Date - When a stock Transaction is dated before the opening Stock Check, and no other Stock Checks have been created, the date of the opening Stock Check is now moved to 1 day before the Transaction date. This allows you to, for instance, add a new Item and then make backdated stock transactions for it.

  • Transaction Items View button - The behaviour of the View button at the top right of the Transaction Items gridview has been changed so that it persists instead of changing to a Back button when a different view was displayed. Ie. From any view, you can click the View button to open the dropdown menu which displays the other views you can navigate to.

  • Edit Reports - Role Access - The Role Access of a Report is now permanently displayed in the Edit Reports module as a Preview. See image below:

  • Inventory - Actions - The Actions in the Price Update and Replenishment Views of the Inventory module have been moved from the side panel to an Action button in the Header which opens a dropdown menu.

  • Inventory - Save Grid - An option has been added to Save Grid (All Users).

  • Stock Items - Issue - When a Goods Issue transaction is created for Stock Items, the Stock Items view now has an Show Active only filter. Previously only the Active Stock Items were available.

  • Items - Editing View - A Save Grid (All Users) function has been added to the Items Editing View.

  • Items Editing View - Costing tab - Confirm - The Confirm function, which sets the Date Updated field to current_date and the User Updated field to the logged in User, has been moved to a Confirm button. The button is only enabled when Supplier Prices are selected. See image below:

  • Actions - Buttons - A Button Caption field has been added to the Action setup. When this field is populated, a Button will be created for it in the Transaction/Workflow/Classes Header. It goes without saying that adding too many Action buttons will result in a messy Interface, especially on small screens. See images below:

  • Help > Online Documentation - The Internal Documentation caption and setting has been renamed to Online Documentation. See images below. Theory: It will be less confusing to link to one documentation site. If you have a Custom Site, you can add links to the Fixed BOSEnterprise site (We’re currently working on this site) or you can simply linked to the Fixed module documentation site. If a site is not linked, the Menu item is not displayed.

  • Transactions - Create/Copy Setting - The Setting to allow users to Create new/Copy only has been removed from the Transaction Types setup module and the following settings have been added to Settings > Transaction Types instead:

    • Create new Transactions - Yes/No - Default = Yes - When this setting is No, you are not allowed to create new transactions directly, you will only be able to create transactions by copying them from other Transaction Types. The Action Menu Item to Copy to Version will also not be visible for Transaction Types that use Versions.

    • Add Items to Transactions - Yes/No - Default = Yes - When this setting is No, you will not be allowed to add items to the transaction.

These settings effectively split the functionality of the previous setting into 2 separate settings. See image below. The upgrade script will add both settings as No, if the previous setting was set to Copy only.

  • Suppliers - Warning - A Warning field has been added to the Supplier’s Accounting tab. The text that is entered here will display in the Transaction Warning Bar when the Supplier is selected (Similar to the way the Customer warning works). See images below:

  • Items > Estimating > Usage - A Category field has been added to the Items > Estimating > Usage gridview.

  • Leave - Weekend Days - A General Setting > Weekend Days has been added. This setting determines the weekend days for calculating Annual Leave. By default Saturday and Sunday are the weekend days.

  • Items - Editing View - The Items Editing View has been updated to improve speed and fix a few minor bugs and the Item Pricing module has now been removed as being redundant functionality. In addition the following enhancements were made (See images below)

    • Clr checkboxes have been added next to the fields that might need to be cleared.

    • A Clear button has been added next to the Update button - clicking this button will clear all the fields that were set above.

    • A Remove checkbox has been added for Removing Items from Inventory.

  • Transaction Info - The Transaction Info screen has been updated with the addition of Settings that are different from the default - see image below:

  • E-mail - User filter - A User filter has been added to the Emails Sent folder. By default Users will only be able to view their own sent folders. See image below:

  • A Role Setting > Default: View all E-mails in Sent Folder has been added (Default = No). When this setting is set to Yes, you are able to view all the E-mails in the Sent folder. See image below:

  • Reminders - User filter - A User has been added to the Reminders module. By default users are only able to view their own reminders - see image below:

  • A Role Setting > Default: View all Reminders has been added (Default = No). When this setting is set to Yes, you are able to view all the Reminders for all the users. See image below:

  • Summaries - Synchronise with Transaction - The Transactions Menu Item to Synchronise… summary modules has been removed in favour of adding the Synchronising function to the Summary. Eg. When you open the Linked Transactions module, you can select Menu > Synchronise with the open Transaction and it will automatically synchronise with all any transaction that is opened - as long as the summary module is open. See image below.

This functionality has been applied to the following modules:

      • Linked Transactions

      • Customer Summary

      • Supplier Summary

      • Job Summary

      • Item Summary (For Items linked in the Transaction header)

      • Outstanding Qty

      • Timekeeping

      • Audits

      • Email

  • Ledger - Done - A Done button has been added to the Ledger - see image below. Clicking on this button will set the Transaction to the Default = Complete status. If the Default = Complete status has not been set, the user will receive an error message.

  • Ledger - Data Pipeline - The following fields have been added to the Ledger Data Pipeline:

    • Lgr_Rec - COMPANY_TEL - This will be the Customer or Supplier Telephone number.

    • Lgr_Allocation - UNALLOCATED - The unallocated amount on the Ledger Allocation

  • Calendar Setup - The Calendar Setup module has been upgrade to be inline with other setup modules where you have a list on the left and detail on the right.

  • Items Panel - Image Search - Functionality has been added to search Items by images in the Items Panel. A Menu > View Images has been added to change from the text view to the Image view. A Transaction Type Setting > Default: View Images on Items Panel has been added to make this the default. See image below.

  • Estimating - Keyboard Shortcuts - Custom Components, Materials and Services can now be added to the Estimating Treeview using the following keyboard shortcuts (when the treeview is focussed):

    • Ctrl+P - Component

    • Ctrl+M - Material

    • Ctrl+S - Service

  • Stock Check enhancements - A Date filter has been added to the Stock Check Module. The Active filter is now checked by default. The Active filter has been enhanced to exclude items that have a zero balance and for which no transactions exist. The SQL has also been updated to improve the speed - this will be noticeable on the larger databases.

  • Ledger - Allocation Grid - When allocating Supplier Invoices, the Inv No and Reference are now concatenated in the Allocations Gridview.

  • CRM - Customer Actions - Global Settings has been added which determines the Transaction Types and Workflow modules which will be added to the Customer Actions menu - see image below:

When these settings exist and they are correctly populated, an Action menu appears in the Customer Popup menu, the Customer Edit Form as well as the Customer Summary - see image below. The Action menu includes items to create a new Transaction / Workflow as well as to drilldown to Transactions/Workflows linked to the Customer. By default the Date filter or viewing is set to ‘No Date’.

  • Transaction Checklist Approval - An Approvals column has been added to the Transactions Grid, hidden by default. This field lists the user Roles that are required to approve the Transaction. See image below:

  • Customer Duplicate Name: The Customer duplicate name warning is now displayed in the red warning bar at the top (and not a modal popup message). A warning has also been added to the Customer Grid Company column. A warning has also been added to the Exceptions report.

  • Reports - Output - Multi-select - Functionality has been added to multi-select and Output report items. NB. This will only make sense if the template linked to the Report is using the data pipeline to print the selected row only.

  • Planning Boards - Functionality has been added to copy a Planning Board including all it’s settings.

  • Transaction Type / Role Setting - Default: Change Transaction Status up Only (Default = No) - This setting is assigned under Settings > Roles and is linked to a Transaction Type. When the Setting is Yes, users linked to the Role can only move the Transaction Status to a higher level (based on the Status order). Users linked to a Role which has Full Access are still able to move the Status up or down. See image below:

  • Customer Duplicate Name: The Customer duplicate name warning is now displayed in the Red warning bar at the top (and not a modal popup message). A warning has also been added to the Customer Grid Company column. A warning has also been added to the Exceptions report.

  • Reports - Output - Multi-select - Functionality has been added to multi-select and Output report items. NB. This will only make sense if the template linked to the Report is using the data pipeline to print the selected row only.

  • Workflow - Output - The Output button is now permanently visible and no longer an item on the dropdown Menu.

  • Classes - Active filter - An Active filter has been added to the Classes interface. By default only Active items are listed now.

  • Transactions - Item View - Currency - The Currency field has been added to the Transactions Items View, hidden by default.

  • Transaction Copy Dialog - Outstanding filter - The Outstanding checkbox above the Items gridview now also hides the Items that are not outstanding… this makes it much easier to work with Outstanding items when a transaction has many items.

  • Transaction Type Check In/Out Caption - Transaction Type Settings have been added to customise the captions for the Events Check In and Check Out fields. These fields are only visible when a Transaction Type is set to use Events. See image below:

  • Transactions - Show Item Notes - Functionality has been added to preview the Transaction Item notes in the Gridview. (Menu > Show Item Notes) A Transaction Types Setting (Default: Show Item Notes) has also been added. The default value is No.


Item alerts won’t show when the Item Note is visible.

  • Estimating - Use Sizes - A Transaction Type > Estimates Setting (Default: Use Sizes) has been added. The Default value is No. When Sizes are not used, the Qty Type lookup only includes Fixed and x.

  • Global Refresh - The Refresh buttons in the Estimating form and the Accounts Setup form have now been integrated into the global Refresh functionality - Refresh button at top right of window.

  • Transaction Item Lookup - Items can now be looked up by Code or by Description - right-click the lookup to toggle between the two - see image below. A Transaction Type setting (Default: Search Items by Code) has also been added. The default is Yes.

  • Transaction Items Batch Updates - The Resolve field has now been added to the Transaction Item Batch Updates utility - see image below:

  • Transaction Items Assign To - The Transaction Items Assign To field has been added to the relevant data pipelines for use on Templates - ASSIGNTO

  • Transaction Items - Convert to Estimate - When an Item has no linked Estimates, a new blank Estimate is now created when the Convert to Estimate functionality is used. When an Item only has one linked Estimate, the Item is now converted without having to select the Estimate.

  • Ledger - Links - A Links button has been added to the Ledger to allow for easy navigation to linked transactions.

  • Restore Default Grids - Functionality has been added to Restore Default Grids in theLedger and Transaction interfaces. This function deletes the Grid Settings and the User will be prompted to restart for the default Grid layout to be applied.

  • Transactions - Copy to Supplier Transaction - When a Transaction is copied to a Supplier Transaction, the Supplier linked to the Item is now added to the Description in brackets. A Supplier Lookup now also appears in the header which allows you to select all the Items linked to a Supplier. The default value of the Supplier lookup is ‘All’. See image below. The selected Supplier will also be applied to the downstream transaction.

  • Output - When only one template is available to Output, you no longer have to select the Template - see image below:

  • Form Designer - Entities - When Templates are linked to Entities, the linked Entities are now displayed in the Template lookup list - see image below:

  • Ledger - Allocation Entity - The Transaction Entity is now displayed in the Allocation Grids in the Ledger Edit Form - hidden by default.

  • Transaction - Links - A Links button has been added to the Transaction Headers. Clicking this button displays a list of linked transactions which can be clicked to open. This is simply a productivity tool for faster navigation - it’s not intended to replace the Linked Transactions module. See image below:

  • Linked Transactions - Transaction Category - The Transaction Category field has been added to Linked Transactions, hidden by default.

  • Settings - Roles - Transaction Access Allowed - A new function Set Transaction ‘Access Allowed’ has been added to the Roles popup menu. This opens a submenu with the Access options. Selecting an access option will apply it to all the Transaction Types. See image below:

  • ‘- Copy’ suffix - When records are copied they are now suffixed with - Copy, Copy (2), Copy (3), etc.

Modules updated include Cost Centres, Classes, Items, Est. Types, Price Lists, Actions, Checklists and Transaction Types.

  • Transaction Types - Templates linked to Entities - Transaction Type Templates can now be linked to one or more Entities. When a Template is not linked to an Entity, it will display always.

  • Transaction Types - Forex - The Forex settings have been changed to enable/disable both the Currency selection and RoE value as follows:

    • Show RoE changed to Show Currency & RoE

    • Edit RoE changed to Edit Currency & RoE

  • User (Role) - The active User name is now displayed in the Status bar as User (Role). See image below.

  • Transaction Types - A new Transaction Type Setting ‘Start a new Transaction flow when copied to the same Transaction Type’ has been added. This setting determines whether a new transaction flow is started when a transaction is copied to the same Transaction Type. Default = Yes.

  • Transaction Item lookup - The Sub Category field has been added to the Transaction’s Item lookup.

  • Linked Transactions - Multi-select functionality has been added to Linked Transactions. When multiple transactions are selected, the footer summary is calculated for the selected Transactions only.

  • Settings: The ID (SETTINGID) field has been added to the Settings grids, hidden by default. This is useful for recording the ID’s of settings that are changed during a test upgrade. The ID’s can then be used to select and copy the settings as Update statements to apply to the live upgrade.

  • Cost of Sales - The Cost of Sales module now opens to the Transaction View by default.

  • Settings - Last Updated - The User as well as the timestamp when a Setting was last updated is now visible in the settings module.

  • Classes - User Access Settings - The User access settings for Classes have been changed to be role based.

  • Accounting - Retained Income - The Retained Income Detailed Ledger no longer displays all the Income Statement transactions that make up the movement. Only one item, which is the sum of the accumulated Profit/Loss for the selected period is displayed.

  • Transaction Types - Transaction Flow - This Module has been enhanced with a filter to show the Transaction Flow from a starting Transaction. With the new model the speed to generate the Transaction Flow is significantly improved.

  • Transactions - Grouping - A Group field has been added to Transaction Items which can be used to group items on a transaction with a subtotal for each group.

  • A Transaction Type setting Group Transaction Items has been added to allow you to automatically populate the Group field with the Class, Item Category or Item Subcategory.

  • The Group field can also be populated using the Batch updates functionality.


The Transaction Items need to be ordered by Groups for them to output correctly on a template.

  • Business Entities - The Entities setup has been added to a new interface and can now be accessed directly from the Setup > Entities menu. Image fields have been added to the Entities which can be used on templates. Eg. You can use one Quote template with a header linked to the Entity Images which will automatically update to that of the Transaction Entity.

  • Items > Estimating > Usage - A Usage table has been added to the Estimating tab in Items. This table can be used to list the Products in which the Item may be used, as well as specifying the quantity used in the Product. This is useful in cases where products are customised by adding options. Eg. You could select the RAM, HDD, etc. for a Computer based on the Usage table, to ensure compatibility with the Motherboard.

Currently the Usage is just a static table, mostly for use in Estimate Types.

Settings Enhancements

  • The following Settings, which were in the Transaction Types Setup module have now been moved to the Settings module under the General tab - they need to be added using the Add/Update button before they are visible in the General Settings gridview, however. When you click the Edit... button in the value part of the view, a modal form opens which works exactly the way the settings were updated before. (See image below)

    • Setup Costing Rules - Settings that affect the Cost Summary and Cost of Sales Reporting

    • Setup Cost Updates - Settings that determine how Supplier Cost and Inventory prices are automatically updated.

    • Setup Customer Age Analysis - Settings that affect how the Work in Progress is calculated.

    • Setup Supplier Age Analysis - Settings that affect how the Work in Progress is calculated.

    • Setup Customer Summary - Settings that determine how the Activity chart is calculated

    • Setup Supplier Summary - Settings that determine how the Activity chart is calculated

Actions Enhancements

  • Not linked - A Not linked Action type has been added. These Actions include all the standard functionality and can be executed from a Menu item. Use the Setup > Menu manager to add the Action to a Menu: Type = Action.

  • Report Actions - Actions can now be added to Reports and works in the same way as they do in other modules, using an Action button with a dropdown menu. (Note: the existing Actions functionality which is displayed in a grid on the right has not been changed)

  • Action Item - Open Report - A new Action item has been added which can be used to open a Report. The Item uses SQL and must return the minimum of a REPORTID field, which will be the ID of the Report that gets opened. The SQL can also include the Values for other filters required by the Report - eg. CUSID, DATESTART, DATEEND, etc. These will automatically be assigned to the data filter on the Report. The Fieldname must be the same as the Paramname.

Tracker Enhancements

  • Tracker - Role Access - The Tracker Access model has moved from User to Role and the Tracker Settings can now be accessed both from the Tracker Setup module and the Settings module. The Settings grid has also been updated to be more inline with the gridviews in the Settings module. NB. This unfortunately means the Access settings for the Tracker need to be re-created after the Upgrade.

  • Tracker - Button Caption - The execute button now displays the linked Action’s Caption. (The Caption and not the Button Caption)

  • Tracker Setting - Reset Fields - A setting Fields that are not Reset (eg. [NAME1] [NAME2]) has been added. The fields in this setting will not be reset (Cleared) when the Reset button is clicked.

Reporting Enhancements

  • Report - Hyperlink Drilldown - The Hyperlink drilldown linked to columns in a Report has now been extended to drilldown to other Reports as follows:

    • The Report which is being drilled down to will always open as a Report Module.

    • The Field Value from the Drilldown Field will be appended to the Drilldown Reports Caption

    • The Report Filters (If Any) will be assigned to from same-name fieldvalues from the Report which is initiating the Drilldown

    • Other Parameters in the Report, if any, will be assigned to from same-name fieldvalues in the Report which is initiating the Drilldown.

    • FieldValues:

      • Drilldown: Select a Report

      • Drilldown Field: - The value of the selected field will be concatenated to the Report Caption. Eg. ReportName - Fieldname

  • Report - Hyperlink Drilldown - Back Button - After drilling down to another module using the Hyperlink drilldown functionality in a Report, the back button of the module will take you back to the REport from which you initiated the drilldown.

  • Report - Email Excel/Email PDF - when this function is used, the REport name is now added to the Email subject.

  • Report - Edit Form (Beta) - Functionality has been added to edit data that is displayed in a Report. To enable an Edit form, select Menu > Enable Editing. The following settings need to be populated:

  • Edit SQL - For editing to work, we need to add the Stored Procedures which are used to Insert, Update, Delete and Copy. In addition a Stored Procedure can be added to supply a Warning.

    • Insert - This is the SQL used to Insert a new record. It should have a return parameter named ID - the ID of the newly inserted record.

    • Update - This is the SQL used to update changes to a Record.

    • Delete - This is the SQL used to delete a Record - it should have a return parameter named MESSAGE which will be displayed to the user if the Delete fails.

    • Copy - This is the SQL used to copy a Record - it should have a return parameter named ID - the ID of the newly inserted record.

    • Warning - This is the SQL used to display a warning at the top of the Edit screen. It must return a parameter named WARNING.


  • This functionality is only available when the Report is opened from the Menu as a module.

  • The first field in the Report is the Primary Key.

  • The Layout of the Edit Form can be edited by selecting Menu > Customise Layout.

  • The following Column Editors have been added:

    • Hyperlink - This can be assigned to a field where the value is a web or email address.

    • Text - Formatted - This can be assigned to a text field which uses markup language to format the text.

  • Drilldown - Filename - A Filename option has been added to the Drilldown list. The field that is selected needs to contain the full filename of a document which has been saved into the Documents folder. (NB. Filenames are now pre-fixed when saved from user-defined fields). When this option is selected the following menu items will appear on the popup menu:

    • Open File

    • E-mail File

  • Drilldown - Fields - Drilldown and PK Drilldown columns have been added to the Fields grid.

This allows you to link a Drilldown to any Number, Text or Date Field. The Drilldown column contains the Module and the PK Drilldown column specifies the field where the ID for that module is saved. Fields that have drilldown functionality will be ‘hyperlinked’ (Underlined) - you just click on the field to drilldown. When drilldown functionality is selected, the field’s editor is automatically set to ‘Hyperlink’.

  • Role Access - the Role Access column has been moved from the ‘Preview’ to a normal Gridview column.

  • Email - CC, BCC - The values of Report fields named CC and BCC will now automatically be added to the CC and BCC fields when a Report is emailed. As a reminder, the value of the field named EMAIL is added to the e-mail’s To field.

  • Email - Report link - When a Report is emailed, the REPORTID is now populated to EMAILS.REPORTID to create a link that allows you to see which report was e-mailed. In addition, the value of the field named TRANSID is added to EMAILS.TRANSID (If the field exists in the Report).

  • Output functionality has been added to the Report module’s Popup Menu.

  • Attachments can now be added to Reports which will be attached when a Report is emailed.

These can be edited in the Attachments tab visible when you edit a Report. NB. Reports can only be e-mailed if an HTML or ReportBuilder template has been added to the Report.

Attachment types include:

    • Documents - Static documents that will be uploaded to the Documents folder

    • Reports - Reports with Output Templates that will be executed, output to PDf and attached to the Email.

How Report Attachments work:

Reports that are attachments can have parameters which will be populated from the Parent Report where the Parent Report Fieldnames = Attachment Report ParamNames.

  • Reporting Modules - When a Report is opened in a Reporting module, and the Report does not have a search function, the View button is auto-clicked when the module is opened.

  • Reports - Editor = Image - The Image (.jpg), Image (.png), Image (.wmf) have been changed by a generic ‘Image’ editor type that supports all those image types and more. The upgrade script will convert all the redundant editors to ‘Image’.

  • Reports - Access allowed - Report access has now been moved from User Settings to Role Settings. Access can be assigned from the Edit Reports module (where Roles are assigned to a Report) or from the Settings > Roles module (Where Reports are assigned to a Role) The new access model is based on IDs, so the access is no longer affected if the Report name is changed.


After this upgrade, users won’t have access to Reports. The Report Access setting must first be added to a Role before access can be assigned.

  • Reports - Drilldown to Customer/Supplier - Functionality has been added to drilldown to Customers and Suppliers, using the same field that was used to drilldown to the Customer/Supplier summary. Drilldown options that are not enabled are now hidden from the Drilldown menu in the Reports module. See image below:

  • Reports - Drilldown to Items - The linked Item can now be opened from a report using the same field that was previously linked to open the Item Summary. If the Item is linked to a Class, the Item will open in the Classes module, else it opens in Items - as long as the user has access. See image below:

  • Report Search Functionality - Search functionality, which filters the underlying dataset has now been added to Reports. This allows for the filtered report to be Output to a template.

  • Search is multi-word and case-insensitive and can be added to Text, Memo and Memo - Rich-text. Eg. You could search on 2x Categories by typing their names into the Search field - see image below:

  • Setting up the Report Search functionality

QuickEasy uses a macro (&SEARCH) to mark where the search string will be added into the Report’s SQL. The Search box is visible only when a Report contains the &SEARCH macro. The search string generated from the search keywords, replace the &SEARCH macro and starts with ...AND - so if the SQL does not include a WHERE clause, you need to add a simple clause like WHERE true. See sample SQL below.

The fields that must be searched are flagged in the Fields Editor - The Search (Fieldname) column must include the alias and the fieldname to be searched - See image below, which is from the SQL above - note the field name for the SUBCAT field.

Planning Board Enhancements

  • Planning Board - Role Access - The Planning Board Access model has moved from User to Role and the Planning Board Settings can now be accessed both from the Planning Board Setup module and the Settings module. The Settings grid has also been updated to be more inline with the gridviews in the Settings module.


This unfortunately means the User/Role Access settings for the Planning Boards need to be re-created after the Upgrade.

Workflow Enhancements

  • Workflow - Header Layout - The Header layout on Workflow modules has been changed to closer resemble the Transaction Header layout. A Status Note field has also been added - see image below.

  • Workflow - Entities - Workflows can now also be linked to Entities - this functionality works the same as it does in Transactions, eg.

    • Workflow Module can be linked to one or more Entities (This is a filter)

    • An Entity Filter has been added to Workflow modules.

    • If there are no Entities in use, the Entity filter and fields will be hidden.

    • If users are filtered to certain Entities, they will be restricted from using Workflows which are not linked to those Entities.

    • If users don’t have access to an Entity, they can still view Workflows for other Entities, but they will be read-only

  • Workflows - Read-only - Workflow Statuses can now also be set to be read-only - similar to the way it works in Transactions. See image below:

VAT Enhancements

  • No VAT - We’ve changed the way No VAT works. Previously, if a VAT Type was not selected on a Transaction, it was assumed to be No VAT and the VAT fields were hidden in the Transaction and Ledger interface.

We find, however, that a number of installations have opted for an explicit 0% No VAT vat type instead. In order for our VAT Control to display the 0% VAT Types, we need to differentiate between No VAT and the 0% VAT Types like Exempt and Zero-rated, however. Our solution is as follows:

An explicit No VAT (Value = -1) item will automatically be in the VAT Types lookup - you don’t need to add it to VAT Types in Accounting Setups.

The VAT Type field is no longer hidden by default if a Transaction Type uses No VAT. (Previously if the VAT Type field was blank in Transaction Type Settings)

All the VAT Types (Excluding No VAT) are now available in the VAT Control module. See image below:

  • Upgrading databases that use a blank VAT Type setting for No VAT

The Upgrade Script will convert all the transaction items to VATTYPEID = -1 where VATTYPEID is null. This will also be done in the Transaction Type Settings Ie. No special action is required.

  • Upgrading databases that have an explicit No VAT VAT Type.

The following procedure (in grey below) will convert all the No VAT transactions to the default No VAT type. Replace the ?? with the ID of the No VAT VAT Type ID. Please ask helpdesk for assistance if you’re unsure.


create or alter procedure UPDATE_TAXTYPE_NOVAT




--Update Transactions

update VATITEMS V set




--Update Transaction Types

update ENTRYTYPES E set



update ENTRYTYPES E set



--Delete the 'No VAT' Vat Type




commit work;













commit work;

execute procedure UPDATE_TAXTYPE_NOVAT(??); --Replace ?? with the ID of the 'No VAT' VAT Type

commit work;













commit work;

drop procedure UPDATE_TAXTYPE_NOVAT;

commit work;

VAT Control Enhancements

  • Account Categories - The VAT checkbox has been changed to a lookup which will specify whether VAT is Input or Output. See image below: (This resolves the issues where negative amounts on a Customer Invoice is added to Input, etc.)


These settings have to be manually updated after running this upgrade and the Trial Balance needs to be rebuilt.

  • VAT Control - The Ledger View has been removed (This is available in the Ledger). See image below.

Banking Enhancements

  • Matching text - Functionality has been added to set a part of the Description from the Bank Statement as the Matching Text used to find the matching transaction from which to create the new transaction. This is done by selecting the matching text in the Description and clicking the Tick button - see image below:

Click the Info button to see what the matching text is.

Output Enhancements

  • Output - The ‘Templates’ General Setting has been renamed to ‘Output’. This has also been changed in the Transaction Types and Workflow modules.

  • The ‘Type’ field has now been expanded to include:

    • Template - This option allows you to upload a Reportbuilder (.rtm) template as well as an optional HTML template. If the HTML template is blank, the User’s Stationery will be used. If the User’s Stationery is blank, the body will default to plain text. Right-click a menu to ‘Load a Reportbuilder (.RTM) file’ or to ‘Edit Html’.

    • HTML - This option allows you to upload an HTML template which can include data fields from the active module’s parent table. This option can be used for e-mail only.

    • Text - This is for plain text e-mail only and can include data fields from the active module’s parent table.

  • HTML - HTML templates can be used when outputting .rtm templates or as standalone templates. Right-click on a Template and select Edit HTML to open the HTML editor. Data tags can be added to the HTML template in the format [FIELDNAME].

The HTML Editor now includes a Data tab which displays the list of available data tags that can be used in the Template. This list is specific to the module for which the template is being created. Fields that provide information from the logged in user are also available - [USERLISTNAME], [USERFIRSTNAME] See image below:

The HTML and Text templates are supported in the following modules:

      • Transactions

      • Workflow

      • Reports

      • Customer Age Analysis

      • Supplier Age Analysis.

Inventory - Replenishment View

  • A Replenishment View has been added to the Inventory Reporting module which displays records that are Inventory items where the Available Qty < Min Qty (If the Min Qty is blank, it is assumed that it is 0).

  • Inventory - Replenishment View - The Replenishment view now also displays all the items that have a value On Order.

The Inventory band displays the Available Qty differently to the other Inventory reports - In this view, the On Order Qty is added to the Available Qty to prevent duplicate orders.

The Supplier band displays the linked Supplier with the lowest Base Unit price.

  • An Action to Create a Purchase Order has been added which can be used to create a Purchase Order from the selected items. If items linked to multiple Suppliers are selected, the user will receive a warning and if they confirm, the Purchase Order will be made to the Supplier on the first item. The Qty will be the higher of the Inventory Re-Order Qty (Blank = 0) or the Supplier Min Qty. The quantity will also be rounded up to the Supplier’s Unit (eg. They may sell in Packs of 250) or to a whole number.

  • The Transaction Type Setting > Default = Purchase Order determines which module the Purchase Order will be created in. If multiple Purchase Order modules exist, the user is prompted to select a module first.

Inventory - Replenishment View Enhancements

  • Replenishment - New Fields

    • Category

    • Sub-Category - Hidden by default

    • Last Order - a Last Order column has been added to display the last Pending or Active PO/WO that was created for the item. Right-click the Item to open a popup menu which includes an item to Open Transaction which will open the last order. Menu items have also been added to Open the linked Material Item and to View the Material Summary.

    • Resolve - A column that indicates whether the item is Produce or Purchase has been added. For Items that are Produce, the first linked Estimate is added to the Source band. For Items that are Purchase, the lowest Supplier Price is added to the Source band

  • Replenishment - Create Work Order - An option has been added to Actions to Create Work Order which can be used to create Work Orders for items that are Produced and not Purchased. If multiple Items are selected, a Work Order will be created for each selected item. The Source band displays the linked costing for Items that are produced.

For this Action to display, one or more Transaction Types needs to be linked to Default = Work Order.

  • Replenishment - Order Qty - When an Order (PO or WO) is made, the Qty will be set to the highest of the Re-order Qty or the Qty required to increase the Available Qty to be equal to the Min Qty. eg. If the Available Qty is already greater than the Min Qty, the Order Qty will be equal to the Re-order Qty and if the Re-order Qty is blank, the Order Qty will be zero.

Stock Item Enhancements

  • Functionality has been added to create Stock Checks at a Batch level for items where Tracking = Batch. The Stock Qty for batches is then calculated in the same way that it is calculated for other items by getting the last Stock Check before the selected Date and counting the Receives/Issues after that Stock Check. The Stock Check items are created in the Items default Unit, but the Unit can be changed - eg. It might be easier to measure the length of a heavy Billet than to weigh it. See image below.

    • When a Stock Item is created or updated, a Stock Check is now automatically created and dated one day before the Stock Item is created - similar to how a Stock Check is created for Stock Items.

    • When a Stock Location is added to an Item, the opening Stock Check is no longer created if the Item has Tracking = Batch.

    • When Stock Items are issued, they can now be allocated in multiple Units - eg. Billets which have a Base Unit of kg can be issued in meters.

Stock Item (Batch Item) Enhancements

  • Name Change to Batch Items - We’ve changed the naming conventions to be more logical. Stock Items now become Batch Items - If an Item’s Tracking = Batch, you therefore work with Batch Items.

  • Stock Check - When a new Stock Location is added to an Item, the opening Stock Check is now created for the previous day, regardless of the Type. When a Stock Check is created for an Item which has Tracking = Batch, and no batches exist, a generic Stock Count item is created for the Base Unit of the Item. If Active Batch Items exist, a Stock Count item is created for each Active Batch Item.

  • Batch Receive / Issue - Batches can now be received in any one of the Units which are linked to the Item. eg. The Item may have a base unit of kg and an additional unit of m. When receiving or issuing, it may be easier to measure the length of an item compared to weighing it, so you can use the m unit. The Inventory Quantities will, however, always display in the Base Unit.


  • Batch Items are created when they are Received and then you can Issue against the Batch Item until it is used up (Balance = 0). Adjustments to increase the Qty of a Batch Item can only be made by increasing the original Receive Qty or by using the Stock Check functionality.

  • Reserve and Order values are only displayed at Stock Item level, not at Batch Item level.

  • The Trigger that would reduce an Issue Qty if it exceeded the remaining Qty of a Batch has been removed. It is not possible to apply this correctly, especially when backdating transactions. This means that Batches can now have negative Quantities which would be an easy-to-see indicator that an error has been made. This can also be used as a warning in a transaction’s checklist.

  • When Batch Items are updated, a check is made to see if the Out Qty on the Batch is zero - if Yes, the Status is set to inactive STATUSID = 0. Batch items with a negative out Qty therefore remain active. On Transaction ITems and on StockCheckCounts

  • When Batch Items have been added to a Transaction Item, the Unit field on the Transaction Item is no longer editable.

  • Inventory > Batch Items - Active - The Hide Blanks filter has been replaced with an Active (Default = True) filter. When the Active filter is checked only the Batches that have an Outstanding Qty which is not equal to zero (0.05/-0.05 to be more accurate) are displayed.

  • Inventory > Batch Items > Movement - A Movement Grid has been added to the Batch Items view which is automatically updated when you scroll through the report. See image below.

The Output Data Pipeline for the Batch Items view has been changed to: Inv_BatchItems and the movement can be accessed using Inv_BatchMovement.

  • Inventory > Batch Items > Note - The Note can now be viewed by right-clicking on an Item and selecting View Note. An option to Preview Notes has also been added to the top Menu. When this option is enabled, all the notes will be visible in the gridview as a preview.

  • Timekeeping - Batch Items - The functionality to do Timekeeping against Batches has been removed.

  • Allocate Issue to Receive - The (Unused) functionality to allocate Issues to Receives linked to the same transaction has been removed.

  • Items - Tracking = Product No. - This option has also been removed. Items linked to Tracking = Product No, will be reset to N/A during the upgrade.

Stock Check Enhancements

  • An Update button has been added to the Stock Check header. Multi-select Stock Check Items and click Update to update the selected items as follows:

    • Standard Items - The Unit and Convert Qty will be updated and if the selected Stock Check Item = Base Unit, the Est Qty will be updated.

    • Stock Items - The Unit, ConvertQty and Est Qty will be updated.


If the Count Qty is the same as the Est Qty, it will be updated too. (Assumption is that it has not yet been updated)

  • A Delete button has been added to the Stock Check Header. Multi-select Stock Check Items and click to delete. NB. The opening Stock Checks (now highlighted in yellow) will not be deleted.

  • The Note field has been changed to a BLOB field and can now be edited by right-clicking a Stock Check Item and selecting View/Edit Note. Select Menu > Preview Notes to make the notes visible in the gridview.

  • Base Unit - When you create a new Stock Check, you can now opt to only create Stock Checks for the Base Unit of the Item (Previously Stock Checks would by default be created for all units)

  • A Base Unit filter has also been added to the Data Filter. NB. This does not apply to Items where Tracking = Batch.

User-defined Fields Enhancements

  • User-defined Fields - The blob field used for adding Lookup lists and SQL, has been removed from the gridview in favour of adding ‘Edit SQL’ and ‘Edit Lookup List’ items to the Popup menu, visible when applicable.

  • User-defined Fields - A Preview option has been added to the User-defined setup module which allows you to check the layout without restarting the application and opening the module where the fields will be used. See image below:

  • User-defined Fields - Audits - When the mouse pointer hovers over a user-defined field, the User and date last updated is displayed as a Hint.

  • User-defined fields - Contacts - The Customer and Supplier Contact Edit forms have been updated to display user-defined fields more effectively.

  • My Company - User-defined fields can now be added to My Company. This would mostly be used to store data that is used repeatedly in Output templates. The user-defined field values can be accessed using the data pipeline My_Company_UDF.

  • Filename - Prefix - The Filename type now stores the files with a unique prefix to avoid overwriting files with the same name. Files that were stored from previous versions without the prefix, can still be opened, however.

  • Caption Position - A Setting has been added which determines where the control’s caption is displayed. Options include: Hide, Left, Right, Top, Bottom.

Deprecated Modules and Functionality

  • Functionality to link fixed Alerts to an Output template has been removed as Redundant.

  • The functionality to create a transaction from the Calendar has been removed - this can be achieved using a Tracker module.

  • Transaction Types > Approvals - This functionality has been completely removed in favour of using the new Checklist module and custom Actions.

  • The old Dashboard module has been removed in favour of using the new (much Richer) Dashboard. The Workflow panel is now a Reminders/Inbox module.

  • Items - Inventory - The Items module no longer displays Inventory values in the data grid - in favour of using the (much richer) fixed Inventory module to view and manage inventory.

Back-end Enhancements

  • A WFITEMID field was added to the calendar table. Before a negative value -VATITEMID was being used to link Workflow Appointments.

  • A ROLEID field has been added to the SETTINGS table - previously the role was assigned as a negative value in the STAFFID field.

  • Inventory - The Inventory functionality has been optimised by removing the fixed fields in table STOCK (QTYINSTOCK, QTYREORDER, QTYONORDER, QTYRESERVED) in favour of calculating the Stock values on demand. For this to work efficiently we created a STOCKDATA table which is updated by all the transactions that update Stock. The values in this table have already been converted to the base unit in which stock is counted. (Similar to the accounting model where we also don't store accounting balances).


All the fixed Inventory reports have been upgraded, but you would need to check custom Inventory reports before executing this upgrade.

  • Accounting The TrialItems table has been updated and changes have been made to the stored procedures used to select the Accounting Reports to improve speed and to eliminate duplication of code - eg. the same procedure that selects the Trial Balance balances, now also selects the Balance Sheet balances. The fixed accounting Reports that are affected include:

    • Detailed Ledger (Local and Forex)

    • Trial Balance

    • Balance Sheet

  • Transaction - Outstanding Qty - The Outstanding Qty functionality has been changed from storing the values in table OUTQTY to selecting the Out Qty on demand. This substantially reduces the size of large databases and also provides a small improvement in the transaction update time.