
With QuickEasy's Cashup module, BOS totals the Transactions and then compares the cash that has been counted against Transactions. A Cashup Shortfall / Surplus Transaction is then created, based on whether the Cashup is short or whether it is more than the Transaction totals.

  1. Data Filter - This allows you to select a Date and Transaction Type to filter on.

  2. Data Grid - This shows the Cashup records by Status, Date, Users, Created and Updated by, Count, Transactions and Variance.

Edit / New Cashup

  1. Status - This shows what the Status is of the Cashup.

  2. Cashup - This shows the Cashup number, the From and To dates, the Transaction Type and the Users included in the Cashup. Multiple Users can be selected. The Entity filter allows you to select users from different Entities.

  3. Ledger Entry - This shows the Transaction Type, Transaction Number, and Total that will appear in the Ledger.

  4. Cash - This shows the count of Cash on hand.

  5. Summary - This shows the Type of currency, the value Counted, the Transaction value, and Variances.

  6. Transactions - This shows the Transaction linked to the Cashup. Transaction drill down functionality is included by double-clicking on the Transaction.

    • The Ellipsis on the Transaction opens up the POS Receipt Transaction.

    • The From field shows the invoice that the receipt is paying.

    • The Transaction drilldown has been enhanced to allow drilldown to both the Receipt and the Invoice that was paid. See image below:

7. Audit - This shows who created the Cashup and on which date, as well as who updated it and on which date.

Cashup Warning

The Cashup Warning message will appear at the top of the screen should the Cashup parameters be incorrect.