Setup View

The Setup View allows you to check your inventory setups from one place. This view shows a list of all Transaction Types that affect Inventory, as well as all Transaction Types linked to Price Updates.


Inventory > Menu > Setup View - Inventory

  1. Description - This is the name of the Transaction Type.

  2. Debit / Credit Accounting - This shows which Debit / Credit accounts are impacted by this Transaction Type for Inventory, eg POS - When recieving stock, the Receivables account will be debited, and when selling stock, the Sales account with be credited.

  3. Inventory - This shows what Status will have an impact on Inventory for this Transaction Type.

  4. Accounting - This shows what Status will have an impact on Accounting for this Transaction Type.

  5. ForEx - This shows if the Currency is local or foreign.

  6. VAT Type - This shows the default VAT Type.

  7. Pricing - This shows the Pricing type.

  8. Receive Trans - This shows if this is a Receiving Transaction.

  9. Issue Trans - This shows if this is an Issuing Transaction.

  10. Receive Est - This shows if this Item should be added to the Transaction in order to do Stock Transactions (Receive stock) from an Estimate.

  11. Issue Est - This shows if this Item should be added to the Transaction in order to do Stock Transactions (Issue stock) from an Estimate.

  12. Note - This allows you to add a note about the Transaction.