Status - Transaction Status

Throughout Transaction Types, extensive use is made of a Status field to manage the Transaction flow. The Status lists are user-defined and can be set in the Status tab of Transaction Types setup window - the filters to show the Status list for Transaction Headers or Items are self-explanatory. The following settings are linked to each Status:


Main Menu > Setup > Transaction Types > Status

  1. Description - This is a short description of the Status.

  2. Colour - This allows the user to select a colour to match each Status. The colour is used extensively throughout the app to highlight the status of Transactions and Items.

  3. Group - This allows the user to link the Status to one of the four preset Groups - Pending, Active, Complete or Cancelled. The Data Filter allows the user to filter Transactions by the Status Group.

  4. Default - This allows the user to link the Status to one of the preset Defaults. At least one Status for each Transaction or Project must be linked to New Transaction - this determines the Status which is assigned when a new Transaction is created. The On Output Status will be set when the transaction is Previewed, Printed, exported to PDF or E-mailed.

  5. Editing - This determines whether or not editing is allowed within that Status. Options include: All, Status only, None

  6. Accounting - This determines whether or not transactions on the Status update Accounting.

  7. Inventory - This determines whether or not transactions on the Status update Inventory.

  8. Planning Board - This determines whether or not transactions on the Status update the Planning Board.

  9. OrderID - Numbers can be used to order the Status list for each Transaction in a logical sequence. Right-click on a Status and click Move up or Move down.

  10. Transaction Type - This allows you to select which Transaction Type Status you wish to edit.

  11. Header / Item - This allows you to set a Status specifically for the Transaction, such as Quotation (header) which is explained above. If Item is selected, you can set Statuses for the actual Items on the Transaction. This has functionality to update Inventory.


Ledger - Allocation Status - A default named Allocate has been added to Transaction Status. This can be used on Receipt/Payment Transaction Types to automatically change the Transaction Status when it is Allocated. See image below: