
The Ledger provides an interface where you can view and update all your accounting transactions. Transactions can be viewed at a header level, item level or in a detailed ledger format with balance. Trial Balance out of balance? Simply clear your date filter, check the Trial Errors checkbox and you will instantly know which transactions are the culprits.


Main Menu > Accounting > Ledger

  1. Data Filter - This allows you to sort the data by Date, Filter, Account, and Status.

  2. Status - This shows the Status of the Transaction.

  3. Type - This shows what type of Transaction the selected transaction is.

  4. Trans No - This shows the Transaction Number.

  5. From - This shows the origin of the Transaction.

  6. Date - This is the Date the Transaction was created.

  7. Company - This shows the Company name.

  8. Acc No - This shows the internal Account Number of the Customer or Supplier, or the General Ledger Account.

  9. Entity - This shows what Entity the Transaction applies to.

  10. Description - This is the Description of the Transaction.

  11. Reference - This is the Reference of the Transaction.

  12. Allocated - This shows the value that has been Allocated to the Transaction.

  13. Outstanding - This shows the Outstanding balance.

  14. Total (exc) - This shows the Total excluding VAT.

  15. VAT - This shows the VAT amount.

  16. Total (Inc) - This shows the Total including VAT.

  17. New drop-down - This allows you to create a new Ledger Transaction based on your Accounting Transaction Types.

  18. Menu - Additional functionality is included in the Menu.

    • Open Recurring - This shows all the Ledger Transactions that have the Recurring check box ticked. This is useful for duplicating regular transactions.

    • Copy to New - This allows you to copy to a new Date, Reference or Note.

    • Date Grouping - This allows you to specify by what parameter the Grouping should be set; by Date, Month, Year, or Relative. In order to activate Grouping, right-click on the field header and click Group by this Field.

Edit a Ledger Transaction

  1. Custom Fields - The three Custom Fields are visible and editable in the Ledger edit form.

  2. Reconciled - This serves as a visual queue to show if the Transaction has been Reconciled against the Bank Statement, and that it matches.

  3. Recurring - If this Ledger Transaction is a regular occurance, functionality exists to make the transaction recurring. Click the check box to specify this as a recurring Transaction.

  4. Items - This displays the data by Item Description, Debit Category, Debit Account, Credit Category, Credit Account, VAT and Totals.

  5. Trial - This displays the data as a Trial Balance and sorts Transactions by Account, Debit and Credit.

  6. Allocation - This shows what values have been allocated by Transaction and Date.

  7. Outstanding - This shows what values are yet to be Allocated.

  8. From - This shows the origin of the Transaction.

  9. Bank ID - This shows shows the Bank ID, if the transaction was imported using the Bank Import functionality.

  10. Updated - This shows who last updated the Transaction, with a date and time stamp.

  11. Currency - This shows the currency, and allows you to change the currency.

  12. New - This drop-down allows you to create a new Ledger Transaction based on the Accounting Transaction Types.

  13. Menu - Additional functionality is included here.

    • Find Customer - This allows you to find a Customer.

    • Enable Debit & Credit - This enables the Debit and Credit Account lookups so that you can change the Debit/Credit Accounts on a Transaction. This is useful when you have one transaction with multiple Items, each with a different Account.

    • Update the 'From' Transaction - This allows you to update the From Transaction in the Ledger - ie. link the selected Transaction to a parent Transaction, which has a Copy Rule to the selected Transaction.

    • Refresh Lookups - This will refresh the Lookup descriptions.

    • View Customer Summary - This opens the Customer Summary in the side panel.

    • View Linked Transactions - This allows you to view which Transactions are linked to this one.

    • View Audits - This displays an audit trail of what changes were made, when and by whom, to the Ledger Transaction.