Customer Summary

The Customer Summary provides an overview of Detail, Accounting and Transactions.


In a Transaction data grid, right-click on the Customer > Summaries > Customer Summary or click Menu > Summaries > Customer Summary.

  1. Search - Customers can be located by using a Search string.

  2. General - This provides information about the Customer's Status, Category, default Sales Rep, and when and by whom they were created as a Customer.

  3. Contact detail - This shows the Contact details of the Customer.

  4. Contacts - This show a list of all the Contacts stored for this Customer.


This tab shows an overview of all Accounting for this Customer.

  1. Accounting Detail - This shows the Contact, Account Number, VAT Number, Currency, Entities (if any) and Price Lists that are specified for this Customer. These are setup here.

  2. Credit Detail - This shows the Credit Terms, Approved Date, Secured, and Approved values for this Customer.

  3. Ageing - This shows the Customer Age Analysis for 90+ Days to Current, as well as Unallocated values.

  4. Credit - This shows the Total, Work in Progress, Total plus Work in Progress, Credit values, as well as the Credit Limit and Available amounts.

  5. Activity - This shows the Customer Activity in a graph for number of Quotations, Orders and Invoices over the selected period.


This shows a history of Transactions for the Customer.

  1. Period - This allows you to select a date parameter to filter Transactions.

  2. Search bar - This allows you to search for specific content.

  3. Data Grid - This shows the Customer's Transactions by Status, Transaction Type, Number, Date, Order Number, Reference, and Total.