
Print, PDF, E-mail

Transaction Types use the standard Output menu that allows you to Print, Preview, E-mail and PDF Transactions which are formatted according to customised templates.

Because all Transaction Types use the same data pipelines, generic Templates may be used if the template heading is linked to the MODULENAME field.

To improve performance, the Customer, Supplier and Contact tables are no longer joined into the Transaction pipelines. Instead, they can be accessed from linked data pipelines which contain all the fields from those tables.


Main Menu > Setup > Settings and Defaults > Output (Print, PDF, E-mail)

  1. BCC emails to the following address - QuickEasy keeps a history of emails sent, but does not store the attachment. We suggest you create a gmail account and send bcc’s to this address, eg backup@gmail.com.

  2. Bulk SMS password - This is for the bulk SMS account. You can add the password here.

  3. Templates > Edit - template Select drop down > Add > template is loaded in database - This sets what type of template is used for the output. An External file .rtm or html is good for email notifications, or select text for SMS.

Transaction Types use the following data pipelines

  • Trans_All - This is used to output a list of all the Transactions in the module.

  • Trans_Rec - This is used to output the selected Transaction only

  • Items_All - This is to output all the items on the selected Transaction

  • Trans_Company - This provides all the fields from the linked Company - Customer or Supplier depending on the Transaction

  • Trans_Contact' - This provides all the fields from the linked Contact

  • Trans_Rep - This provides all the fields from the linked Rep

  • Trans_AssignTo - This provides all the fields from the linked staff member to which the Transaction is Assigned to

Estimate Params

You can place Estimate Parameters as individual fields on a Template - eg. for specific placing. The data pipeline is called Est_Params and it will return an 'Empty SQL not allowed' error the first time it is selected. The Parameter Name must be entered as the fieldname (eg. INP_DEPTH). Fieldnames must be typed in as they don't populate the fields dropdown list.

The parameter types that are included are:

Numerical Parameter Types

  • Input - Est. Qty

  • Input - Number

  • Input - Select Number

  • Calc - Numerical

  • Calc - Est. Qty

Text Parameter Types

  • Input - Text

  • Input - Select Text - Num Value

  • Calc - Text

  • Material

  • Service