Quotation Transaction Type Setup

This topic covers how to setup a Quotation Transaction Type:

From Setup > Transaction Types > Quotation, complete the setup as explained below.

  1. Description - Quotations is added in the install scripts.

  2. Code - This is the nickname for Transaction Type, and is referenced on Templates and Reports.

  3. Contacts - This allows the user to specify what type of contact can be selected on the Trans Type - in this case, Customers - All.

  4. Staff - This is to specify what Staff selections are available on the Transaction Type - in this case, Rep.

  5. ForEx - This is to specify whether or not the Rate of Exchange and Currency can be changed on the Transaction Type.

  6. Estimating - This specifies what tabs are visible when adding Estimates to the Transaction Type - in this case, Description, Components, Services, and Materials.

  7. Versions - This specifies whether a Transaction Type has versions or not. This is mainly used for Quotes and should be selected.

  8. Planning Board - This specifies whether or not the Transaction Type populates the Planning Board.

  9. Accounting - This specifies whether or not the Transaction Type appears in the Ledger and affects other Accounting reports.

  10. Create - This determines whether or not the user can create a new Transaction in the module, or only copy to it from an existing Transaction.

  11. Disable Fields - This sets what fields are locked so that a user cannot change them when creating a new Transaction.

  12. TK Lookup - Timekeeping lookup - This allows you to define what the default lookup fields are in the Timekeeping module.

  13. Landing Costs - This sets whether Landing Costs are allocated to or from the Transaction Type.

  14. Bus. Entities - This specifies what business Entities can use the Transaction Type.

  15. Logout - This enables the Logout button in the module.

  16. Data Filter - This sets the default Data Filter that is applied to the Transaction Type, such as viewing Transactions for Today or only Active Transactions.

  17. Timekeeping - This specifies if the Timekeeping module is enabled.

  18. Image - This specifies if an image can be loaded.

  19. Default - This specifies which default Accounting function the Transaction Type fulfills. For example, when a discount is applied to a POS transaction then it creates a Discount Transaction is also created.