Goods Returned Transaction Type

Goods Returned transactions are used when there is excess material remaining, after a job is complete. Should you find you have issued more material than required, you can use a Goods Returned Transaction to return the balance to stock. eg. A reel of paper was issued to do a job and the half-used reel is then returned after the job has been printed.

This topic covers how to setup a Goods Returned Transaction Type.

All of these fields and tabs are explained in detail in the Transaction Type topic, here.

What you'll find on this page

  • Start here

  • Transaction Types

  • Items & Inventory

  • Templates

  • Costing Rules

Start here

  1. Navigate to Setup > Transaction Types > Edit.

  2. Click Add. A new record will appear at the bottom of the screen. You will note that some fields are auto-populated already.


If there is no mention of a tab(s) in this topic, it is because no changes are required during setup of this Transaction Type.

Transaction Types

The defaults for Transaction Types only require a small amount of change. The only fields to change are:

  1. Description - Enter 'Goods Returned'.

  2. Code - Enter 'GRT'. This is the 'nickname' of the Transaction Type.

  3. Create - Select Copy only. This is so that users will only be able to create a Goods Returned transaction from an existing transaction.

Items & Inventory

As above, there is minimal change required here. More on Items & Inventory here.

  • Pricing Items - Select 'Inventory Price'. This is so that only the Inventory price will apply to the Item.

  • Resolve Items - Select 'Receive'. This sets what Resolve is set by default for items on this transaction type. If set to Receive, then items on this transaction will be received into Stock.


A template can be setup for Goods Returned. More on Templates here.

This is an example of a Goods Returned receipt.

Costing Rules

The Costing Rules determine how the cost of sales is generated in the fixed Cost of Sales module (more here). This is done by identifying which Transaction Types are used to Issue Stock, Return Stock or Purchase Items.

  1. Sales Orders > Stock Returned > Goods Returned (GRT) - The costs of the returned items in the Sales Orders are allocated against the linked Goods Returned transaction.

  2. Work Orders > Stock Returned > Goods Returned (GRT) - The costs of the returned items in the Work Orders are allocated against the linked Goods Returned transaction.